Chapter 11

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Yibo then remembered something which he wanted to discuss with Zhan " Zhan! I... A girl just asked me out, " Yibo smiled. As soon as he heard what Yibo said, Zhan snapped looking at Yibo more like staring at Yibo, the pen that Zhan used to record his readings snapped under his hands, as he was angry " What did you say? " Zhan questioned, Yibo smiled once again " I girl asked me out and she's cute so I want to go on this date as well " Zhan's expression fell, from anger it went to being sad. He couldn't think of anything else since his brain repeated and tried processing what Yibo said, that's literally anything his brain could think of for now.

Zhan laughed startling Yibo, he was confused as to what made Zhan laugh as though he had said a joke " Zh..." Yibo spoke, but Zhan interrupted him " So now I'll work on this case and you go on to date a girl, wow ~ Have you forgotten that I have the video proof of what you and your friends did?" Zhan grinned. Yibo narrowed his brows " Are you blackmailing me?!" he asked angrily. Zhan chuckled, taking his phone out and shaking it in front of Yibo .

" No, just reminding you " Yibo threw his hands in the air in frustration " Weren't you my slave in the first place? And wasn't it our deal that you help me with my love life?!" Zhan grinned turning around towards his microscope " That ended with me making you my slave and moreover what am I getting out of a deal where you get a girlfriend, don't I have my own needs?".

Yibo narrowed his brows " What needs? Don't tell me you want me to set you up with some girl as well? Cause you seem to have no problem in that department" Zhan grinned " Who said it has to be a girl?" he wriggled his brows " You mean..." Zhan stood up removing his gloves " Yes, why? Do you think I'm disgusting as well?" he chuckled walking towards the cupboard to get his bag. Yibo was shocked he never did really think Zhan would be gay, he had no idea actually, was he that dumb that he didn't notice Zhan liking guys. But then again it wasn't wrong. It's their choice " I don't think it's disgusting, in fact its your preference an who am I to judge you, but that doesn't mean I would help you set you up with a guy".

Zhan walked towards Yibo cornering him in the narrow space of the two cupboards, blocking him from placing his hands at either side of Yibo. Zhan looked straight in his eyes " Why? I helped you to get a girl, right?" Yibo gulped as Zhan was too close to him, he could almost feel Zhan's breath over his lips " I.. That..." Zhan looked at his eyes, he knew what he saw in Yibo's eyes, fear wasn't the thing he wanted to see in Yibo's eyes, he wanted to see love and hence it was best to let him go instead of making Yibo hate him even more. Zhan sighed retrieving his hands " Fine~ Let's do this, till this entire mystery of who destroyed the computer lab is solved you don't date anyone and after this you can stop being my slave as well".

Zhan shrugged, suggesting, while Yibo rolled his eyes " Also delete the video?" Zhan shook his head " That! No!" he said casually while walking away to take his bag. As he was walking away from him, Yibo held his hand " This is not fair, delete the video" Zhan chuckled making him let his hand go " Life not fair sweetheart" Yibo stood in front of him " Fine, then don't show the video to anyone" Zhan laughed " Depends on you" Yibo was irritated, Zhan was being unreasonable and mean, it was wrong of him to even blackmail him using a video. Because he was irritated, he pulled Zhan by his bag and cornered him.

Zhan's pupils dilated, for the first time ever he had seen Yibo angry and that was scary. Seems like he had crossed Yibo's anger threshold, he gulped as his eyes continually moved trying to read Yibo's emotions " What...Let" he tried to speak but it was as though words couldn't reach his mouth to be spoken out, he stood there like he was about to faint in fear. " You are testing my patience" Yibo growled in a low voice, almost in a threatening tone, sending shivers down Zhan's spine. Seeing him being all speechless and afraid, Yibo grinned letting him go " See you later".

Yibo left the room, for a minute or two Zhan was still there from the shock of what had happened, but as soon as his legs gave in, he kneeled on the ground, sweating as his mind jogged through and repeated Yibo's voice again and again. But as soon as he regained his composure, Zhan smirked " Have to say, he sure was hot threatening me like that" he smiled getting up from the ground.


" Ziyi !" Xuan was waiting to pick up Zhan for dinner with their father. As she waited for him to come, she noticed Ziyi, Yibo's friend, sitting outside the building. Ziyi looked at her and smiled, waving her hand " Come over here" said Xuan gesturing to her to come over. Ziyi smiled, getting up and walking over to her, almost running to her. " Hi Xuan-jie ~ " Ziyi smiled, Xuan smiled back while patting her head " Ah~ Don't call me jie, it makes me look old, call Xuan" Ziyi nodded " Here to pick up Zhan senior, Xuan ?" she nodded " Yeah we have dinner with our father, he wanted to meet us before he could leave for the US once again, Zhan has been postponing it".

Ziyi nodded " Oh, family stuff huh?" Ziyi asked to which Xuan laughed " Don't even get me started, I'm stuck in between these two childish guys" she said commenting upon her father and her brother. Ziyi laughed " I understand" Xuan looked at Ziyi laughing and smiled as though she adored it " You look cute when you smile" Xuan said with a smile on her face. Even though Ziyi blushed, she wasn't going to back off yet " I know that, but you look cute just by existing" Xuan smiled fanning her face with her hand " Woo! That was too straight" she said, biting her lower lip. Ziyi smiled, " Pretty people deserve pretty compliments," Ziyi said looking at Xuan.

Xuan laughed, nodding her head in agreement. " Do you want to come with us for dinner ?" Xuan suggested, while Ziyi shook her hands " No~ It's your family dinner, I wouldn't want to disturb your family time" Xuan chuckled " Please my father would be happy to see more people joining us and moreover we always enjoy sweet company" Ziyi blushed, she hummed " Not today jie~ I have some assignments to do, maybe next time, just the two of us" Ziyi suggested to which Xuan nodded " Sure~ I'm looking forward to it" .

As they were immersed in their talk, Ziyi noticed Zhan walking over to Xuan, hence she smiled at Xuan asking to be excused " See you later Xuan~" she waved goodbye, while Xuan waved her goodbye as well. Ziyi walked past Zhan, as he took a second to recognize her. " Don't tell me you're hunting college girls now Jie?" Zhan smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. Xuan grinned while getting in the car as she started the engine.

 " So what ? Anyways I don't need to hunt anyone, I'm just a casual talker" Zhan laughed while throwing his bag in the back seat " Yeah right I believe you jie~" Xuan shook her head " What about my brother who is in love with a very handsome junior of his?" Zhan sighed " Oh he fucked up today" Xuan laughed " Do tell me before we reach the mansion" Zhan hummed as Xuan started the car driving off to the mansion. 


To Be Continued ...

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