Chapter 5

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But the sudden compliment made Zhan slip as he was leaning across the table, he lost his balance and fell over Yibo. Even though Yibo held Zhan's shoulder, it was too late already as their lips touched. It was as though both the men realized it too late that their lips touched. Zhan, who had closed his eyes out of fear, made only Yibo look at him. As though the world had stopped spinning around them. The warmth of just the pec of their lips made the two suddenly come into eye contact. Now both of them looked at each other eyes wide open, they saw their eyes reflecting each other, but their body refused to be moved and stayed still frozen in their places.

When reality hit Zhan, he pushed Yibo off the side, but the naïve Yibo laughed " Why are you so clumsy?" He began to make fun of Zhan. But Zhan made a poker face, he was actually astonished by how dumb Yibo was that he didn't even understand that someone had kissed him and that someone was a guy and he wasn't reacting like anything Zhan thought he would. But it was all for good as he was happy that Yibo wasn't angry. Zhan coughed as he sat down opposite of Yibo once again.

" I'm sorry" Zhan said, averting his eyes from Yibo, but Yibo smiled " It's alright, so... What are you going to teach me?" Yibo asked curiously, Zhan sighed as he was not mentally ready to do anything for the day as he had already begun dreaming in his dream zone. " ummm... If you have any questions you can ask me?" Zhan said not knowing what to say. Yibo hummed as he thought for a minute or two and then he remembered what he had wanted to ask " Have you had your first kiss?" Yibo questioned curiously. 

Zhan smiled to himself as he looked at Yibo's cute puppy-like eyes. He nodded his head " Yes, yes I did" he said smiling to himself. Yibo scooted closer " Who is it with?" Zhan smiled looking at Yibo "With an idiot, a naïve idiot" he said, pushing Yibo's head back with his finger. Yibo scrunched his nose as he saw Zhan getting up "Where are you going?" Zhan shrugged " I don't know what else to teach you for the day, but feel free to eat the snacks and the juice" Yibo pouted as he saw Zhan leave.

A week later ...

" Seem like someone is popular all throughout the campus nowadays" Ziyi, Yibo's best friend had visited him to his classroom, Yibo made a proud face " Well I have always been popular" she shook her head making a poker face " Yeah right!" she said in a sarcastic tone, making Yibo laugh " Fine~ What brings you here?" Ziyi hits Yibo in his head, making him wince in pain. " What did I do?" he asked not knowing why he had got hit in the first place. She rolled her eyes " That's for being busy and not picking up my calls and ditching your best friend " she huffed, turning her head to the opposite way.

Yibo smiled, making her turn his way " I'm sorry~ I was busy, I..." he stopped as he was not sure whether to tell Ziyi what happened so far or not. Ziyi looked at him suspiciously " What are you trying to hide ? " Yibo looked around and then asked her to scoot closer so that he could say it in her ears. Ziyi cocked her eyebrows up and grinned as she scooted closer. A couple of minutes later she burst out laughing like she had heard the most funniest thing in her life. Yibo tugged her hand so that she could stop laughing as she was pulling everyone's attention towards her. " What's so funny?" he asked not knowing what made her laugh so hard.

She wiped her tears and tried to calm her down " So you are telling me, that you not only confronted Zhan-ge but also threatened him to help you and he's helping you as well" Yibo nodded his head as she had summarized very well. She got up from her seat and clapped her hands applauding for her naïve friend " Wow, really, wow, you are amazing" she said trying to control her laughter. Yibo made a poker face as he took his bag and decided to leave. Ziyi saw Yibo leave, hence she stopped laughing and took her bag as well " Hey wait for me!" she said, running after him.

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