Chapter 3

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" You aren't the only one with problems in love " Zhan said to himself, smiling once again. Yibo, who had finished paying for his clothes, stepped out of the shop and walked towards Zhan " Let's go " he said walking ahead of Zhan, he nodded and walked behind Yibo, smiling once again to himself.

" What's next ? '' Yibo questioned looking at Zhan who was walking in front of him, " What? Do you want to go on a date with me ? " Zhan asked with a cold expression, Yibo made a disgusted face " I would rather die than go on a date with you " he said rolling his eyes " I meant anything else you are going to teach me for the day ? '' Yibo asked, Zhan shook his head " Make sure to wear them tomorrow " Zhan said walking away from Yibo.

Yibo sighed as he felt whether if he could Zhan or not, but it was not like any other go, he had no other idea, even though it felt childish to take his anger and frustration on Zhan, he felt as though this was the closest he could ever get a girlfriend. He knew it was kind of a long shot, anyway he did not minding whatever result he would be getting. Zhan on the other hand, walked off leaving Yibo, with hands in his pocket he walked looking at the surroundings around him " When will this idiot change ?" Zhan smiled in Yibo's thoughts, it was true that he had known Yibo long before Yibo knew him. But that was a story of some other time.

The next day ...

Yibo was not sure if his new style was good enough, he felt childish that he had even agreed to do this. But his thoughts changed once he saw the reaction that everyone around him gave as soon as he entered his faculty building " Yibo ?" one of the girls had walked over to him not believing that who she saw was actually Yibo, he had changed his style and looked absolutely like the next door from his usual style of the type of best friend anyone wanted. Yibo smiled at her, she was one of the girl who had rejected him a long time ago, Yibo didn't like her anyway, but he didn't want to look rude, hence he smiled at her " I can't believe that you look his dashing" he said rubbing his arms.

Yibo smiled awkwardly once again and stepped aside " Thank you" he said walking off from the place not really minding her anymore, just like the girls expression everyone had the same one. The entire day every girls including some guys, approached him asking for his number, while some took it to the next step by giving him their numbers. Yibo was tired from all the attention he was getting for the day, it was the amount of attention he would get combined for a year. It was easy to say that Yibo was like a celebrity and he felt happy with all the attention that he got, even though he wouldn't say it out, he sure was happy about it.

Instead of talking to the girls who gave their numbers, Yibo straight away ran to the chemistry lab. He was happy and he wanted to share the happy news with the one who helped him out. He knocked on the glass door outside, while peeking through the glass door. Zhan, who was busy working on some samples, looked at who had knocked on his glass door, he smiled looking at Yibo, but immediately toned his smile down as he didn't want Yibo to see him smiling. He was actually happy and was hoping for Yibo to stop by his lab once again. " Get in ! " he said gesturing with his hands, Yibo nodded and came inside the lab. Zhan removed his lab coat and hung it on his chair " So.. What happened ? " Zhan asked curiously, he knew very well the results, but wanted to hear it from Yibo himself.

Yibo smiled leaning against the counter, but Zhan pulled him aside as there were bottles of chemicals that were placed on the stand which were dangerous. Yibo looked at him curiously as to why Zhan had pulled him, but he decided to brush it off as he smiled once again " Today was amazing, thanks to you girls and some guys were over me like moths to flame" he said with a lot of excitement beaming through his eyes. Zhan tried to control his smile seeing the cute version of Yibo, he tried very hard, yet his eyes didn't lie. " So what's next ?" Yibo asked excitedly as he wanted to know what else Zhan could do, he never hoped the plan could actually work, but when it did he wanted to know what else could be possible.

Zhan shrugged " After this it's in your hands " Zhan shrugged as he walked over to the freezers to get some fresh samples. Yibo made a shocked expression and followed Zhan like a little puppy, even though Yibo couldn't see it, Zhan was actually smiling seeing Yibo follow him a little puppy " Hey you told me that you would help me out " Yibo protested crossing his arms as he stood in front of the freezers preventing Zhan from opening it. Zhan sighed looking at Yibo " And I did " he said, pushing Yibo aside as he reached for some samples, closing the door. Yibo held Zhan's hand, before he could place the samples down on the table "But...But I thought this was just step one" he said blinking his eyes.

Zhan sighed once again as he shook Yibo's hand off his hand " Look I don't have time to listen to you whine, I'm happy that you managed to get some numbers but after this I can't really help you and it's all up to you " Zhan said crossing his arms. " But...Fine ~ " Yibo said with a sad expression as he dragged himself off the lab, opening the lab door, he looked back at Zhan one more time, before sighing one last time, he closed the lab door. Zhan, who was working on his samples, sighed as he looked at a sad Yibo leaving his lab. It wasn't his intention to make Yibo sad, but helping out the person you like to make him get more dates was something Zhan wasn't ready to do.

But Zhan wasn't ready to see a sad Yibo as well, he sighed at his mind playing games with his heart " Damn it ! " he said, throwing his lab coat back on the chair. He opened the lab door and ran after Yibo, before Yibo could step inside the elevator, Zhan called for him " Yibo ! " He called him over and immediately Yibo turned back and stopped from getting inside the elevator. Zhan stopped in front of Yibo as he panted for air, he wasn't exactly an athletic person, so he easily gets tired even just running for five minutes. Yibo looked at him curiously as Zhan began to speak " Fine, I'll help you, but you'll do exactly as I tell you to do and what I tell you to do, no questions" Yibo nodded his head at the agreement of Zhan's condition. " umm... What should I do next ?" Yibo asked to which Zhan hummed " Meet me at my house" Yibo cocked his eyebrows up in surprise " Your house ?" .


To Be Continued ...

So what do you think Zhan is in my story, a top or bottom or a power bottom ? 
( Check out my other YiZhan books, I'm sure you'll like it <3 )

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