Chapter 7

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He nodded, making Zhan sigh " I didn't hear you" he said shaking the phone once again, Yibo looked at the phone and then looked back at Zhan " Yes I will do it" Zhan grinned as he turned his back " Then see you tomorrow....My Slave ~" he walked away disappearing out of sight, while leaving Yibo alone, making him regret his life choices till that point of his life.

The next day ...

Yibo was deep asleep as his mornings classes were cancelled for the day, but his long slumber wasn't anymore peaceful when a phone call had disturbed him. He groaned at first and shifted his position deciding to ignore the call. But since the phone kept ringing, he decided to pick the call " What?!" he asked without checking out the caller ID. " I want you to be at my lab in ten minutes" said the caller from the other end. Yibo sat up straight in his bed confused who had dared to call him in the morning and on top of that, instructed him to do something.

He had his doubts about " Zhan?" a small chuckle was heard at the other end " Make sure to meet with breakfast, you now have.... Nine minutes" he said, ending the call. Yibo then remembered the night before and it looked as though Zhan was taking the whole 'Be my slave' thing extremely. He knew he had to hurry up as he didn't have much time. Washing his face in a hurry, he threw his good hoodie and jean and rushed out of his dorm, taking his phone.

He ran as though he was about to catch a flight " Yi..." a girl called him as she saw him running. But Yibo was in no mood to stop for anyone, including beautiful girls. He crossed by the cafeteria " Breakfast! " he said, sprinting inside the cafeteria and buying some food for Zhan and then continued to run towards the Forensic science building. He checked his phone and he had about two minutes to make it to his lab. He got inside the elevator and waited for it to reach the Fourth floor. He was thirty seconds away from the said time he was supposed to meet Zhan.

And as soon as the elevator door opened, Zhan stood there with a smile and arms crossed. Seeing Zhan standing in front of him, Yibo stepped out of the elevator and walked over to Zhan. But only to collapse over him. Zhan held him in his arms to prevent him from falling " Yibo? Are you alright?" Zhan asked in a worried tone. Yibo didn't respond while continued to stay in Zhan's arms as he was exhausted. It wasn't as though Zhan was complaining, he liked it that Yibo was in his arms currently. He patted Yibo's hair and smiled " Congratulations you made it on time" Yibo just as he was out of breath.

Meanwhile, Xuan was waiting for her brother beside the restaurant outside his university. They promised to have breakfast together as she had something to discuss with him. She patiently waited for Zhan, but he was nowhere to be seen. He decided to call him and even after two or three times calling over by the phone, he hadn't responded back yet, she sighed " Did he just stand me up?" she laughed to herself and called the waiter, she was hungry regardless.

That's when her eyes fell upon a familiar girl who was walking outside the restaurant. She banged on the window to get her attention. Ziyi, who happened to cross by the restaurant, heard someone bang on the window, thinking it might be for her, so she turned around. And she was right, it was Xuan, Zhan's sister who was gesturing to get inside. Ziyi smiled and of course she wanted to meet Xuan, who wouldn't.

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