Chapter 14

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" You're cute when you pout and act all childish, " Yibo said, smiling once again. Zhan smiled, " Since I'm cute, will you reward me ?" Zhan asked to which Yibo shrugged " What reward do you want? " Yibo asked curiously. Zhan looked Yibo in the eye's and averted it only to look at Yibo's lips. He inched closer and closed the distance between the two of them by kissing him on the lips. Yibo sat there frozen while Zhan pulled back resting his head back on the desk once again.


The next day ...

" Yibo!" Ziyi, who met Yibo outside his dorm, side hugged him and pulled him down, almost ready to choke the life out of him. Ziyi looked at Yibo, who was actually looking a bit spaced out. She ruffled his hair to gain his attention " Ah! What is it Ziyi?" he asked, feeling annoyed. Ziyi rolled her eyes and pinched his ears " Are you annoyed? Well I'm annoyed too! Why have you been avoiding my phone calls all week long?" Yibo tried to free himself as the pain stinged "Ah~ I'm sorry, let me go, I'll tell you" he said, Ziyi put her hand down as they walked side by side.

Yibo sighed before proceeding to speak " So my friend..." Ziyi interrupted as Yibo spoke " Aka you" Yibo rolled his eyes " Damn it! Fine~ So the other day I was hanging out with Zhan, so he was sleeping. I scooted closer to tuck his hair back, suddenly he half opened his eyes and kissed me and then went right back to sleeping once again".

As Yibo told more and more, Ziyi's eyes widened in shock " What Zhan-ge kissed you?" she whispered the later part, Yibo hummed as a reply. Ziyi smiled " umm... Probably he thought you were someone else" Yibo shrugged " Maybe, ugh! I've been stressed about it and have been avoiding to talk to him about this, he probably figured out that I'm avoiding him as well" .


Zhan was attending his lectures, even though his hands were busy taking pointers, his mind was elsewhere, all his mind kept going was 'Shit! I kissed him right?' he kind of figured since Yibo hadn't responded to any text from last night. He decided he would personally go talk to him since that was the right way. Zhan patiently waited till the class was over.

Zhan stopped by the café to get some drinks for both him and Yibo so that they could talk and Zhan could actually have a reason to meet Yibo. He went to the Computer Department's building and straight away went to the lab hoping Yibo might be there. As soon as the girls saw Zhan they rushed to him " Zhan-ge? OMG you're here, wow" one of the girls said excitedly and Zhan being Zhan replied in a nonchalant way.

" Have you seen Yibo?" the girls nodded " He might be in his class" said the other girls, as one of them slid closer to him holding his hand " Won't Zhan-ge hang out with us ?" she asked in a lower tone, Zhan rolled his eyes and took her hand off him " No thanks" he said in a cold tone and left the lab, while the girls sighed and pouted to see ever cold Zhan still being cold to them. But Zhan on the other hand started walking towards Yibo's class, he was nervous and honestly had no idea what he would explain to Yibo. Zhan's eyes wandered trying to find Yibo and at that moment as soon as his eyes met with Yibo's all his fears and nervousness disappeared. It was as though his focus was clear and his eyes were tuned to see Yibo and only Yibo.

Both of them looked at each other from afar for quite a while, then it was Yibo who broke the awkward eye contact "Hey~" Yibo waved making Zhan snap back to focus. Zhan smiled, waving as well with the drink he had bought for Yibo and Yibo walked towards him " Is that for me? " Yibo asked, looking at the drink in Zhan's hand. Zhan hummed " Can we talk?" he asked to which Yibo nodded " Sure, let's go".

A while later ...

Zhan and Yibo sat outside Yibo's faculty building, it was a quiet place where the sun pierced through the heavy canopy of the trees creating a beautiful ambience, the place as often known for lovers to get together and of course the place suitable for having some quiet time to yourself. Both the men sat on the bench, awkwardly biting their lower lips, none of them making any movement trying to break the strange atmosphere. Zhan huffed and decided to talk since he was the one who decided to meet Yibo personally. But before he was about to speak, Yibo himself spoke.

" So... How are you?" Yibo asked with a smile, Zhan looked at him and then sighed as he was finally able to gather some courage. " I'm sorry Yibo" he apologized, while Yibo shook his head " What for ?" In fact Yibo did know why Zhan was apologizing, he just wanted to know why Zhan did what he did. Zhan sat straight, facing the trees in front of him as till now he had been facing Yibo " You're avoiding me because I kissed you right ?" Yibo bit his tongue as Zhan had figured out " That's not..." he started, while Zhan interrupted Yibo.

" You can't deny it cause I can see it..." Zhan sighed once again and faced Yibo " And moreover, I had a dream about my crush and hence out of impulse I kissed you" Yibo smiled and excitedly spoke " Crush? Who?" Zhan smiled as his pupils paced sideways looking at Yibo straight in his eyes " A guy...Back when I was in school" Yibo nodded " Woah! You still like that guys? Wow" Yibo said, spacing out and then remembering something " Hey we were in the school right? Tell me his name, maybe I may know him so that you can meet him once again, you know to confess".

Zhan chuckled at Yibo's statement " That's not possible, I do like him but have no courage, cause he may not like boys that way" Yibo sighed as he understood what Zhan meant, it might be a one sided love and Zhan might ache a bit thinking about it, as he looked spaced out deep in his thoughts, Zhan spoke once again " Anyways, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry, it might been a shock for you to be kissed by a guy" Yibo shook his head " Not at all, in fact, I've kissed guys, you see... I'm bisexual".

As soon as Yibo said that he was bisexual, Zhan's face it up, even though he was smiling on the outside, inside he was blasting with thousand emotions, it was as though he finally had a hope, a light at the end of the tunnel, all these years his fears of getting rejected was what clouded Zhan, but today it was evident he had " Maybe you should try to confess, who knows that guy might feel different as well" Yibo suggested, Zhan knew evidently, that he had " Hope... I have a new hope that I still might have a chance, I'll try to confess my feelings" Yibo smiled giving him a thumbs up, while Zhan stood there looking at Yibo with that new found hope gleaming inside of him. 


To Be Continued ...

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