Chapter 2

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Yibo smiled " Look like we understand each other, so you better do something cause being my slave isn't such a good thing " Zhan shrugged " Let's do this " Yibo smiled nodding his head.

Zhan took the cup of Americano in his hand as he sipped looking up at Yibo, who all these time was looking out the window watching the girls pass by, Zhan rolled his eyes, placing down his cup of Americano. " Why are you so eager to get a girlfriend ? " questioned Zhan, making Yibo look at him, " Why did you ask that ? " Yibo asked not sure why Zhan had suddenly asked such a question " No, I just wanted to know, cause you seem so eager to have one " Yibo rolled his eyes " I'm not eager to have a girlfriend, when I actually liked someone they keep having crush on you " Zhan sipped his drink once again and shrugged " So ? " Yibo sighed slamming the table as he got annoyed " You are not starting this again, are you going to help me or not ?! " 

Zhan rolled his eyes " Look, if I don't have the intent of helping you, I wouldn't be here in the first place " Yibo chuckled " Then why aren't you helping " Zhan sighed " I'm observing you " Yibo tilted his head and looked at Zhan curiously " So what did you observe ? " Zhan took the cup of Americano in his hand and got up " Let's go ! " he said walking towards the door " Where ? " Yibo asked confused on what was going on " No questions " Zhan turned back at Yibo with his cold face " And for the coffee " he said going out, while Yibo huffed angrily " This jerk ! " he said taking his wallet out to pay.

" Where are we going ? " Yibo questioned once again to which Zhan didn't respond but instead continued to walk crossing the street, Yibo ran faster to catch up with him. Seeing Zhan didn't respond, Yibo decided it was best to follow him. As they continued to walk, Zhan stopped in front of a shopping mall, he looked at Yibo and gestured to tag along with him " We are going in " he said walking inside the store. " Are we shopping ? " questioned Zhan looking around the mall, it was a lively place filled with many people. He had only come to the mall with the girl he liked and of course she just friend zoned him. Yibo sighed as he continue to walk behind Zhan not knowing what he was thinking.

Zhan looked around the shops not satisfied at any of those shops, hence he continued to walk around. As the time passed Yibo was getting annoyed by Zhan as he was not telling what was happening and he was growing restless not knowing where he was going and walking around aimless. Yibo suddenly stopped " Hey look I can't walk any further " Yibo said standing at his place with his arms crossed. Zhan turned around " Well, we are here " he said getting inside a men's clothing store. Yibo wasn't really in a mood to accompany someone to shop for clothes and he certainly wasn't ready to accompany Zhan. " Damn it ! I hate my life " Yibo sad walking inside the shop.

Zhan who was already looking around for clothes saw Yibo step in the shop as well, he looked at him and gestured him to stand beside him, rolling his eyes Yibo walked to him and stood beside Zhan " What is it ? " he asked looking at Zhan. He took some bunch of shirts and handed over to Yibo " Try them " he said with a cold expression, Yibo was confused once again " Why ? " Zhan cocked his eyebrows up " Do you want me to help you or not ? " he questioned giving him the shirts, Yibo sighed taking the shirt and walked over to the changing room. Zhan walked behind him and waited outside till Yibo tried the ones Zhan gave him.

" First of all you need to change the way you look, how ever good you look, you dressing and your hairstyle can either make you a boyfriend material or just push you to friend zone and with the way you dress up ... " Zhan said as Yibo opened the door he looked at him and shrugged " With the way you dress up, you'll always be in friend zone " he said making Yibo turn around in the mirror for him to take a good look of himself " So you think this is my style ? " Yibo curiously asked shaking his denim jacket, Zhan hummed " Quite close, let us continue looking " he said giving him another set of shirts. Yibo sighed as he took those shirts from Zhan with an expression of being tired.

After a few minutes Yibo stepped out an Zhan smiled " Well this is it " Yibo laughed " You can smile too ? " he joked looking at his outfit in the mirror, Yibo couldn't agree out loud but Zhan was right, the outfit did suite him. Yibo was curious on how Zhan was able to figure it out " How did you even know that I would look good in something like this ? " Zhan shrugged " Didn't I say I was observing you "  Yibo nodded his head as he was trying to understand what Zhan said, he smiled turning back at him once again " What else did you observe about me ? " he asked curiously as Zhan sat down on the chair opposite to the changing room, sitting back relaxed he looked at Yibo with the same old cold expression. Knowing he might not get an answer from Zhan, Yibo laughed " Its okay, you don't ... " he said but that's when Zhan started to speak. 

" You have eyes of a doe which makes your face light up with expressions, even though you don't have a reason to smile your eyes can alone smile, your lips perfectly proportioned making it look pretty to match with that face lighting smile of yours, your posture even though you try to look all strong and tough, you act like you constantly want to get babied, your hair even though makes you look all mature it actually makes you look fluffy, no wonder why many girls feel comfortable around, you not even for a single second look scary or intimidating " Yibo was taken back by all those praise words coming out of Zhan's mouth, for a second it looked as though Zhan was very serious about what he was saying.

Yibo laughed making Zhan come out of his deep thought trance " You observed all that while we were in that café ? " Yibo questioned leaning against the door frame of the changing room. Zhan coughed as it looked he had almost slipped his tongue about Yibo, he got up and walked over to cashier while Yibo walked behind him taking the clothes he had bought " You can say that " Zhan said coughing once again. Yibo pouted and nodded his head as he kept his clothes on the counter as he looked at Zhan. " What ? " Zhan questioned not sure why Yibo was looking at him " Aren't you going to pay for these ? " Yibo questioned pushing the clothes towards Zhan.

Zhan heaved a sigh of relief as he thought Yibo had almost busted him, once again marinating his clod expression Zhan walked out of the store " I said I'll help, I never said I'll pay for you " he said going out of the store. Yibo made an annoyed expression and threw his hands in the air out of frustration " Jerk ! " he said taking his card out to pay. He mumbled and cursed Zhan under his breathe and looked at the cashier while paying of this clothes.

Zhan on the other hand was waiting for Yibo to finish paying, he looked at Yibo and smiled " You know because of you I almost slipped out my secret " he mumbled under his breathe shaking his head. He turned the other way as he looked up at the banners that hung in the mall, he smiled to himself  " You aren't the only one with problems in love " he said to himself smiling once again. Yibo who had finished paying for his clothes, stepped out of the shop and walked towards Zhan " Let's go " he said walking ahead of Zhan, he nodded and walked behind Yibo, smiling once again to himself. 


To Be Continued ...

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