Chapter 18

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"But I guess that's my fault" Zhan said chuckling, "Maybe it's time I make up for my coward past self" he whispered in a low tone, while proceeding to move his face closer to that of Yibo. As he did he stopped just a few inches away from his lips, their lips almost touching each other as Zhan could feel Yibo's hot breath upon his lips, he smiled "I don't have anything sweet with me, but I guess this could work~" Zhan said as he placed his lips upon Yibo's lips. It was no ordinary pec, but quite a fast paced kiss, even though it was only Zhan who moved his lips, he felt those butterflies in his stomach before pulling away from the kiss. "Good night~" Zhan smiled as he kissed Yibo's forehead while proceeding to lay back on the table once again.


The next day ...

Zhan opened his eyes as sunlight entered through the small window of the room, he saw Yibo sleeping peacefully beside and smiled to see a cute Yibo with fluffy bed hair. As he stretched his hand to pet his head, the door to their room opened revealing a security guard with a walkie talkie in his hand "We found them! They are in room 56" he said through his walkie talkie, after he made the initial comment, a bunch of footsteps were heard and the door swung open wide. All these happened so quickly that Zhan was having hard time processing what was going on. He was speechless and just then he saw his sister stepping in the room along with Ziyi, they both looked terrified and were pale.

"Jie?" Zhan looked at Xuan confusingly not sure what she was doing there, meanwhile Yibo woke up due to the sound of opening of the door, he blinked his eyes open only to find Ziyi looking at him worriedly "Ziyi?" both the girls came rushing to them, while Ziyi hit Yibo in his head, Xuan pulled Zhan for a hug "Where the hell have you been? We were looking for you everywhere!" Ziyi said, hitting Yibo on the head once again, while Xuan looked at Zhan worriedly "Are you alright? I was afraid something bad might have happened to you since we were not able to contact the two of you".

Zhan got up from the table and stood followed by helping Yibo to stand as well "I'm sorry Jie~ Yibo helped me out after I fainted here, we couldn't find our way back and our phone's didn't have charge so we couldn't contact anyone" Zhan explained to which Xuan rushed to her brother " You fainted? Are you alright ? What happened?" she asked with a tone of worry, Zhan smiled, patting her hand "Its okay jie, I just fainted due to claustrophobia, Yibo helped me out" he said pointing to Yibo who stood beside her. Xuan held Yibo's hand and smiled with tears in her eyes "Thank you for helping my little brother, any help you need in the future you can always ask me" Xuan said to which Yibo shook his head.

 "Its okay Xuan-jie, if you could look at it all this happened because of me at the first place, I shouldn't have asked Zhan to come with me knowing well about his condition" Ziyi hit Yibo in the head once again, making him rub his head "What was that for?" Yibo asked still continuing to rub his head, Ziyi rolled her eyes " You knew about Zhan-ge situation and yet you decided to invite to a place like this, but since you helped him I'm letting you off with that slap alone" She said while Yibo mocked the way she spoke.

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