Chapter 8

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Yibo turned sound to tell something to Zhan that he had found in the slide, as he suddenly turned around, Zhan whose head was already closer to Yibo's came in contact with each other's forehead in contact. Their eyes met each other's eyes and Zhan's pupil continuously moved around as he was getting a little shy from all the eye contact he was receiving from Yibo at the moment. A slow crimson blush started to creep behind Zhan's ear, Yibo looked at them and smiled " Are you blushing?" he asked in a low tone.

Zhan managed to push Yibo aside as he coughed " umm... I have some work, you can wait for me by the door" Yibo rolled his eyes as he was annoyed " Dude if you have work then why did you call me?" Zhan looked through his microscope and was jotting down the calculations once again, his free hand ruffled his pocket and took out his phone " Don't forget" he said, shaking his phone in front of Yibo's face. Yibo was seriously annoyed by Zhan, " Fine! And stop doing that" he said as he tried to take Zhan's phone away from his hand, but before he could do that, Zhan moved his hand and kept it safely back in his pocket. Yibo pouted and went by the door to wait for Zhan as said.

He quickly finished with his readings and stepped out of the inner lab. He removed his lab coat and hung it at the coat stand, taking his bag out of the locker. He walked over to Yibo " Let's go~" Yibo nodded as he led the way, while Zhan closed the lab behind. Both the men walked side by side together as they waited for the elevator to come. Suddenly a question arises in Yibo's mind as they step inside the elevator " Tell me why are you always in the lab? Like any time I see you, you're always in the lab" Zhan adjusted his bag while he looked at Yibo.

" I want to be the best at this field and when I get my dream job, I will prove myself to be worthy," Zhan said with an expressionless face. Yibo nodded as he tried to understand what Zhan meant " But aren't you like, super rich?" Zhan sighed " I'm not rich, my parents are" Yibo laughed at his response " That's the same" Zhan shook his head " No it's not, that is what my parents earned, I want to make a name for myself and make my own money, instead of depending on my parents" Yibo chuckled and smirked " You're studying, your parents might have... " but before he could finish his sentence Zhan spoke with the same calm and expressionless face " My scholarship" .

Yibo gestured with his finger. "School?" Zhan responded with, "Scholarship?" Yibo was agitated. "Food and clothing?" he asked. Zhan chuckled, "My grandparents and sometimes my sister, and I have my own savings that my grandfather left for me." Yibo pouted because he couldn't think of anything else to say about Zhan. "No wonder girls think you're perfect," he said as he scanned Zhan from head to toe. "Do you think I'm perfect?" Zhan smirked as he looked at Yibo. Zhan asked Yibo as he blocked him with his hands on both sides, not allowing Yibo to escape. Yibo blinked at him and asked, "What do you mean?".

But before Zhan could respond, the elevator abruptly came to a halt, stopping with a huge jerk. The sudden halt and jerk startled Yibo and Zhan, who were inside the elevator. Yibo took a look around. "Did we get stuck?" he wondered as he pressed the help button inside the elevator. "Anyone? Please help us! We're trapped inside the elevator," Yibo said, speaking into the microphone next to the help button, but there was no replay. Yibo turned to face Zhan, who was noticeably quieter than usual. "Hey, are you okay?" That's when Yibo noticed Zhan crouched in a corner, his head inside his knees, his ears closed in fear, and he was shivering.

Yibo dashed over to him and knelt beside him. "Zhan?" He called out in hushed tones, but Zhan did not respond. Yibo gently shook Zhan, and that's when he heard Zhan's voice, mumbling something like "Zhan?" As Zhan looked up at Yibo, Yibo called his name again. In fear, Zhan sobbed as he clutched Yibo's shirt. Yibo comforted him by pulling him close to him. "Don't worry, I'll save you, I'm here with you, just don't cry," he said as he drew Zhan's head closer to his shoulder for him to rest his head. Zhan nodded and sniffed quietly as he rested his head on Yibo's shoulder.

The entire time Yibo wrapped his arm over Zhan's shoulder pulling him into a tight embrace making sure that he was alright, whatever fear he had for the elevator, Yibo didn't know. But a fear is fear and it is important to make that other know that someone is with them in their dark times. Yibo caressed Zhan's hair so that he could relax a bit and like a magic it worked, Zhan had finally calmed down which made Yibo happy.

An hour later ...

While Yibo waited for someone to help them out of the situation, Zhan slept with his head on Yibo's shoulder. As his eyes began to drift, Yibo heard a faint clinking of metals outside the door. Yibo immediately snapped out of his dazed trance and tapped Zhan's shoulder, saying, "Zhan, wake up!" as Zhan blinked his eyes. Yibo stood up and banged on the other side of the door, saying, "Hello?! Please help us, we're stuck here! Please assist us!" This time, the response came from the other side. "Just two more minutes, we're trying and almost done, hang on a bit." Yibo nodded and took a step back, holding Zhan's hand.

After they got out, Yibo helped Zhan to walk as they went together to the cafeteria which was by Zhan's department. Yibo helped Zhan to sit down, while he went to grab a bottle of water to cool Zhan's nerves down. He came back, handing over the bottle to Zhan, which Zhan took from Yibo with a shaky hand " Thank you" Zhan said, opening the bottle to take a sip of water. Yibo looked at Zhan as though he was waiting for Zhan to talk. " If you have a fear of the elevator why do you use it then?" Zhan shook his head " I don't use it, since you came with me, I decided to use, usually when I'm alone, I prefer the stairs rather than the elevator" Yibo felt a wave of guilt inside him, but since he knew that he hadn't known about Zhan's fear, he sighed.

" How long have you had this fear?" Yibo questioned while Zhan spoke once again " Since I was five, I played hide and seek with my friends and I hid the elevator, the elevator stopped working and I was stuck inside it for an hour alone in the dark, I was trembling in fear and I thought I would die there, when I was finally rescued I had already fainted and when I regained my conscious I decided to never use the elevator" Yibo scrunched his nose a he was confused " Then how come you can use it when you are with someone?".

Zhan shook his head once again " I don't, I can use it only when I'm with you" Yibo raised his brow in surprise " Why?" Zhan knew he had some slip of words and there was no way he could have escaped the situation without telling the truth. He was sweating trying to find the right words to tell Yibo "I..." just as he was about to say something, Yibo's phone rang saving him from the trouble of having to explain himself. " Hello?" Yibo answered the phone and got up immediately " Sure I'll be there" Yibo looked worried.

Zhan got up along with him as he knew something must have happened to make Yibo stressed " what is it?" Yibo answered in a hurry " I don't have time to explain" Yibo ran while Zhan ran behind him. Seeing from the path where Yibo was running, Zhan knew that Yibo was running to the Computer department, Yibo's department to be exact, he sensed there must be some problem, as the entire computer department students had assembled outside the huge lab.

" What happened ?" Yibo questioned as his friend pointed inside the room " Look for yourself" Yibo walked inside the room and was shocked to see the site in front of him. Even the ever expressionless face Zhan was also shocked to see the sight in front of him.


What is that they saw?

And what kind of past is Zhan hiding from Yibo?

To Be Continued ...

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