Chapter 17

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Meanwhile Yibo was excited to be able to finally go to the event, but there was a worry in the corner of his heart, like something was striking him within him, Yibo wasn't quite able to put his finger on it, this feeling wasn't new him as he previously had them numerous time, in fact everyone had this feeling inside them, Zhan pulled the blanket to closer to him and sighed deep in thoughts "Am I jealous for Zhan or for his crush? Why though?" he questioned himself neither knowing whom he was jealous for nor the reason for his jealousy.


The next day at the Scare fest ...

"XUAN!" Ziyi ran to Xuan who was waiting outside the building where the scare fest was about to be held, Xuan waved at Ziyi who came running to her. Ziyi halted before Xuan and took a couple of rapid breaths before proceeding to speak "Did you wait here for a long time ?" she asked to which Xuan shook her head "No~ I just came as well" Ziyi smiled holding Xuan's hand "Let's go~" Ziyi said walking alongside Xuan inside the haunted house.

Meanwhile, Zhan waited for Yibo outside the haunted house, Yibo had called him earlier that he was running late and would probably be there in 15 mins. So Zhan patiently waited for Yibo. And as he did he heard a familiar yet irritating voice behind him "Well, Well, Well... If it isn't prince Xiao Zhan" Zhan turned around despite hating the owner of the voice. " Zifan, what are you doing here ?" Zhan asked to which Zifan chuckled "To see you babe" but Zhan rolled his eyes "But I don't want to see you" Zhan said crossing his arms while staring at Zifan.

Yet Zifan shamelessly chuckled "If you didn't want to see me, then why buy my favorite drink?" Zifan said pointing out the two cans of coke that was in Zhan's hand, Zhan scoffed "These aren't for you" Zifan grinned stepping closer to Zhan with inches apart from each others face, he spoke once again while Zhan flinched "Then who do they belong to?" Zifan asked, inching closer to Zhan while still having that dirty evil grin upon his face.

But as he stepped closer, something or someone pulled the two apart standing in between Zifan and Zhan "Those belong to me" said the person, taking the coke from Zhan's hand "Yibo~" Zhan called him in a low tone as a glimmer of smile finally returned upon Zhan's face. Yibo held Zhan's hand and without any further words proceeded to walk inside the haunted house. Zifan was left fuming "What the hell! You can't leave me alone like this" he screamed but all his attempts failed as Zhan and Yibo were no longer in sight.

"Are you okay?" Yibo asked Zhan to which he hummed in response "What does that guy want?" Zhan shrugged, not really having any idea why Zifan kept bumping into him, but he couldn't bother less as he was now beside Yibo, close to him, while Yibo still held his hand from earlier. Zhan, who was on cloud nine and was ready to blast anytime with extreme joy, was happy that the room was dark because he couldn't afford to show his flushed face in front of Yibo. He coughed trying to get Yibo's attention after clearing his mind to calm himself down a bit.

Yibo noticed that he was still holding Zhan's hand and dropped him "I...I'm sorry" he said while stammering, Zhan chuckled "It's okay... I get that you're afraid" Zhan laughed, making fun of him. Yibo's jaw fell on floor at the sudden insult thrown at his face "What?! I'm quite brave" Yibo said crossing his arms" What if I prove I'm brave? " Yibo asked with a proud smile, Zhan chuckled " Then I will give you anything you want" Yibo laughed " Then game on" Yibo said walking ahead of Zhan into the dark creepy room.

Half an hour later ...

" ZHAN! ZHAN SAVE ME! I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING! I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU LEFT ME..." Yibo who was lost inside the haunted house after trying to prove a point to Zhan that he wasn't a scaredy cat like Zhan had said, but somehow in this process him and Zhan had separated and Yibo was now stuck in some creepy looking lab inside the haunted house. After screaming for nearly ten minutes, he decided to give up, but just then, at the corner of his eye he saw a shadow move.

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