Chapter 6

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" Wasn't that the same Yibo you used to ..." " Yeah he is jie, now please stop talking" Xuan laughed at her brother. Zhan wanted nothing more than a peaceful time, was stuck with his sister making fun of him. " But does he at least know this time ?" Zhan shook his head. Xuan rolled her eyes and sighed " Brother, I love you and I envy your smartness but you're dumb sometimes" said Xuan sipping her coffee. Zhan looked outside the window as he didn't have any points to show he disagreed with his sister, but she was right on what she said.

" I would have compelled him to join us, but then again, I just wanted you to suffer a bit" Zhan rolled his eyes " It's alright, it's not like I wasn't going to ask him for coffee at the first place" Xuan smiled once again and looked at her phone " Look brother I have to go, but make sure to ..." she said whispering in a low tone " Make sure to keep your thoughts clean" she said it with a grin on her face, making Zhan blush. He pushed her off slightly making her laugh " Jie~" he whined while she ruffled his hair waving him goodbye.

Zhan looked outside the window as he saw his sister leave in her car, while he sat there sipping his coffee. Usually he was sure about everything and everyone. Zhan was always known for his smartness and his extraordinary talent. But somehow he becomes dumb when it came to dealing with his feelings about Yibo. It was no breaking news that Zhan had liked Yibo, but it sure was a shock when he realized how long he had liked him. Even when he wasn't able to see him anymore, his crush for him still prevailed.

"Zhan....Zhan-ge" Zhan, who was studying for his college entrance exam, heard a very familiar tone of voice from an unfamiliar person. He was pissed at others disturbing him, but either way he didn't want to come across as rude. He looked up from his book and smiled at the girl standing in front of him. " What is it ...." he didn't know her name and hence he dragged on to see if she could tell it herself " Xiefeng, Liu Xiefeng, I'm from grade Eleven" she said it with a smile. Zhan smiled, nodding his head " What is it Xiao feng?" Zhan asked, knowing very well what she could say next, but he waited for her.

" Zhan-ge.... I.... Have always liked you, would you ..." even before she could finish what she started to say, Zhan interrupted her " I'm sorry, Xiao feng, but I already like someone" the girl sure was shocked but she didn't react as badly as the other girls did in the past. The girl smiled once again, she bowed thanking him for his time and left him alone. Zhan went back to reading his book, but a few minutes later looked up from his book and sighed. " How come everyone else is more courageous than me?" he said, sighing at his fate which could not allow him to confess to his crush.

" YIBO!" Zhan who was deep in his thoughts, heard the familiar name, he looked to his junior, Yibo had fallen on the football field scratching his leg. His teammates helped him get up as they were taking him to the infirmary. Zhan looked at Yibo being assisted to the infirmary. "This boy is so clumsy, why did I even..." Zhan sighed thinking about his fate being cruel, making him fall for someone entirely opposite to him. Picking his books and his phone, Zhan walked towards the infirmary. He waited outside it, till all of Yibo's teammate left.

" Take care Yibo!" wished Yibo's teammates as all of them began leaving one by one. Zhan leaned against the wall and waited until no one was in sight to be seen. And once he found the coast to be clear, he peeked inside the room and saw Yibo had already fallen asleep. He laughed seeing him as he had slept in no time. " I'm still amazed when did I even begin liking you and how did I even start liking you ? " he smiled sitting beside him.

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