"We're locked down here"

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An announcement over the speaker, set over Wanda and Pietro holding hands. ANNOUNCER "Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack". The Avengers are in the process of infiltrating a Hydra base in Sokovia, making their way through the woods and fighting soldiers. TONY STARK, flying up to the base in his Iron Man suit and hits a forcefield, "Shit!". STEVE ROGERS "Language! Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?". JARVIS "The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken". THOR "Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last". Natasha knocks out some soldiers. NATASHA ROMANOFF "At long last is lasting' a little long, boys". Arrow, as some soldiers shoot at her, "Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise". TONY STARK "Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language'?". STEVE ROGERS "I know". Steve throws his bike at some soldiers driving up in their truck. "It just slipped out".

At the Hydra Research Base, in Sokovia, Eastern Europe, STRUCKER "Who gave the order to attack?". FORTRESS SOLDIER "Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers. The OTHER FORTRESS SOLDIER "They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked". STRUCKER, to Dr. List, "They have to be after the scepter". To the soldier, "Can we hold them?". FORTRESS SOLDIER "They're the Avengers!". STRUCKER "Deploy the rest of the tanks". FORTRESS SOLDIER "Yes, sir". STRUCKER "Concentrate fire on the weak ones. A hit can them close ranks". Talking to Dr. List, "Everything we've accomplished... but we're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough". DR. LIST "Then let's show them what we've accomplished. Send out the twins". STRUCKER "It's too soon". DR. LIST "It's what they signed up for". STRUCKER "My men can hold them". Stark flies to the Hydra base to break in. JARVIS "Sir, the city is taking fire". STEVE ROGERS "Well, we know Strucker's not going to worry about civilian casualties. Sen in the Iron Legion". IRON LEGION, the Iron Legion flies in; to the civilians, "This quadrant is unsafe. Please back away. We are here to help. This quadrant is unsafe. Please back away. We wish to avoid collateral damage and will inform you when this current conflict is resolved. We are here to help". As the civilians chant "Avengers go Home," a man throws a bottle of something corrosive at the Iron legion, and it hits one of the bots in the head. IRON LEGION "We are here to help".

Back at the Hydra Base; Strucker speaks to his soldiers. STRUCKER "We will not yield. The Americans sent their circus freaks to test us. We will send them back in bags. No surrender!". SOLDIERS "No surrender!". STRUCKER, quietly to List, "I am going to surrender. You will delete everything. If we give the Avengers the weapons, they may not look too far into what we've been--". DR. LIST "No, no. I mean... (he points to where Wanda and Pietro Maximoff were standing, but are gone) Twins". Pietro speeds through the forest. He catches Alex's arrow as he shoots at a bunker, then circles back around and knocks down Arrow. PIETRO MAXIMOFF "You didn't see that coming?". Pietro zooms off before Arrow can shoot him with an arrow, then Arrow gets shot at. NATASHA ROMANOFF "Alex!". Pietro knocks down Captain America as he speeds past him. STEVE ROGERS "We have an enhanced in the field".  NATASHA ROMANOFF "Alex is hit!". Natasha goes over to where Alex is lying down. "Somebody wants to deal with that bunker?". Natasha sees the Hulk coming in, and he barrels through the bunker and destroys it. "Thank you". STEVE ROGERS, as he's fighting with the soldiers, "Stark, we really need to get inside". TONY STARK "I'm closing in. Jarvis, am I...closing in? Do you see a power source for that shield?". JARVIS "There's a particle-wave below the north tower". TONY STARK "Great, I wanna poke it with something". Stark blows up the forcefield at the base. "Drawbridge is down, people". THOR, to Steve, "The enhanced?". STEVE ROGERS "He's a blur. All the new players we've faced, I've never seen this. In fact, I still haven't". NATASHA ROMANOFF "Alex is hit pretty bad, guys. We're gonna need evacuate". THOR, to Steve, "I can get Arrow to the jet. The sooner we're gone the better. You and Stark secure the scepter". STEVE ROGERS "Copy that". THOR, referring to the approaching soldiers in their Hydra tank, "It looks like they're lining up". STEVE ROGERS "Well, they're excited". Thor pounds on Steve's shield with his hammer and the resulting wave of force knocks down all the soldiers. THOR "Find the scepter". Thor flies off. TONY STARK "And for gosh sake, watch your language!". STEVE ROGERS, he sighs, "That's not going away anytime soon". 

Stark enters the Hydra base and the soldiers start firing at his Iron Man suit. TONY STARK "Guys, stop, we gotta talk this through". Stark shoots down the soldiers using rockets from his suit. "It was a good talk". FORTRESS SOLDIER "No it wasn't". Stark finds Dr. List and knocks him out, he then steps out of his Iron Man suit. TONY STARK "Sentry mode". He walks over to the computers. "Okay, Jarvis. You know I want it all. Make sure you copy Hill at HQ". 

NATASHA ROMANOFF "We're locked down here". STEVE ROGERS "Then get to Banner, time for a lullaby".

Back at the Hydra base. TONY STARK "I know you're hiding more than files. Hey, J, give me an IR scan of the room, real quick". JARVIS "The wall to your left...I'm reading steel reinforcement... and an air current". TONY STARK, to himself, as he walks over to the wall, "Please be a secret door, please be a secret door, please be a secret door". He pushes and the wall opens up. "Yay!". He enters through to a secret passageway.

Natasha finds the Hulk. NATASHA ROMANOFF "Hey, big guy. The sun's getting real low". The Hulk scowls at her, Natasha kneels in front of him and puts out her hand, the Hulk touches her hand and as she strokes his hand slowly he starts to calm down. He stumbles away and changes into Bruce Banner.

Back at the Hydra base, Steve finds Strucker. STEVE ROGERS "Baron Strucker. Hydra's number one thug". STRUCKER "Technically, I'm a thug for SHIELD". STEVE ROGERS "Well then technically you're unemployed. Where's Loki's scepter?". STRUCKER "Don't worry, I know when I'm beaten. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope". STEVE ROGERS "I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation". Wanda creeps up behind him. "How many are there?". Wanda knocks Steve down using her telekinetic powers, then quickly leaves. "We have a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage". He looks at Strucker. STRUCKER "You'll have to be faster than--". He's cut off mid-sentence when Steve uses his shield to knock him out. STEVE ROGERS "Guys, I got Strucker". TONY STARK "Yeah, I got... something bigger". Inside the secret passageway, Stark finds a room with a variety of technology and recovered artifacts from the Battle of New York, including a gigantic Chitauri Leviathan and some of his scrapped armor. He then spots the scepter. "Thor, I got eyes on the prize". Wanda creeps up behind him and uses her powers on him; suddenly the Chitauri corpse comes to life, and Stark sees the rest of the Avengers team are all lying on the floor dead. He goes over to Steve's body to check his pulse when Steve suddenly grabs him. STEVE ROGERS "You could've saved us". Steve dies but Stark continues to hear Steve's voice in his head. "Why didn't you do more?". Stark sees that he is in the Chitauri realm and that the Chitauri are invading Earth when he snaps back to reality.

Wanda and Pietro watch as Tony summons his suit gauntlet. PIETRO MAXIMOFF "We're just gonna let them take it?". Wanda smiles to herself as Tony takes the scepter.

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