15- 'Cause it's happy, happy, halloween!

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"ill post another chapter this week!" i said. 

"i promise!" i said





That single, one time trip to the candy shop down the street with your new friend grew into something you never would've imagined.

You getting two friends.

All in one day, too! Sure, he was apparently skeptical about your character according to Koichi, but after a quick meeting and an exchange of introductions, he seemed to not mind having you around.

And by not mind, well... It's safe to say you two are probably the best of friends.

Now, what could this group of troublemakers be up to on this fine day?

"I don't want to be a clown for Halloween!"

Right. Summer was just now beginning, and a certain someone was already ready for the fall.

"But it suits you, Josuke!" You argued, throwing a little red foam nose at him. "Super friendly, good with kids-"

"Clowns are freaky though!" Okuyasu yelled from the back of the antique store. "And why are we in here looking for Halloween stuff-- shouldn't we be outside, enjoying the sun?"

The place reeked of dust and mildew, an aged air sleeping through the atmosphere in a strangely inviting warmth. All the items, trinkets and what-nots were so intricately placed, so well fit together like this divine puzzle, that you couldn't help but spare a glance at each and every little thing. 

There would be a painting of a blue dog on a train, and hanging from its frame would be a sparkling necklace, which was connected to a teddy bear, which would have some hole in its stomach that held a working clock-- who's hands would be made from doll arms... One thing always led to another, and in the most peculiar way.

China dolls would stare as you walked past, your mind swearing it had seen their darling porcelain faces turn to watch you pick through a tray of assorted, though rusty and lost, jewelry. A few rings had engraving of dates on them, some had names, and a good few were missing the jewel meant to be held in the little wires that were obviously pried open with a great deal of force.

How clumsy of you to accidently hit the tray with your hip as you turned to look elsewhere, dropping the collection of fine things all along the floor and letting them roll about.

"Hey, (Y/n), you ok?" A voice, Okuyasus to be exact, called from the front of the shop.

"I'm all good!" You responded, however embarrassingly, as you scrambled to pick up the rings laying haphazardly across the floor.

Soon enough, a good deal of them had been collected in your hand, though it seems like one of them had rolled beneath the oddly shaped dresser it had once sat upon.

It was a struggle, reaching for that damned ring; it seemed to be rather fond of the corner furthest from you, mocking your attempts with that metallic clink it made as your fingers brushed against it.

"Ah-hah! Gotcha!" Is what you would've said if you didn't pull out something entirely different from the ring.

A mask, it seemed to be. You've never seen one made of stone before. 

It was unkept, and missing a chunk from the left side of the face. A lonesome spider web hung from its side and twirled in the breeze of the AC, splatters of red freckling its cheek in a spine-chilling way.

It almost felt like a sin to be holding this thing, your hand struggling against the urge to throw it across the store and rid yourself of the evil you had found, and yet..

"Hey, this is pretty cool!" You decided to buy it. "This would make for some cool costume!"

It truly was a shame you didn't listen to the warning your body had given you, the tingling in your fingertips, and the pounding in your head. The shopkeeper looked surprised you were getting it, too, and even asked if you were sure you wanted to get it.

Upon being questioned about their remark, they mentioned that the mask had only recently come in from some guy in Mexico, and while they were beyond eager to sell it, they didn't want something potentially cursed in the hands of some teen.

Naturally, you reassured them you were fine, and that it would take more than some curse, if there was one at all, to get rid of you.

"Some weird mask, huh?" Okuyasu muttered, looking at the deranged carvings. "I thought you were going to get one of those weird dolls."

"Pfft- No way! Those things creep me out!" You joked, nudging his side playfully. 

Josuke took no time in throwing a sucker into his mouth, one that you had happen to have given him earlier that day. He'd saved it since he was chowing down on some ice cream at the time, and now, walking home at dusk, chatting with his best friends, there wasn't a better time to indulge in some sweets.

"Alright, this is where I part with you guys."  You laughed beneath your breath, waving the goodbye. "See you all later!"

"Bye! Get home safe!"  Okuyasu shouted after you, watching as you trotted down your street and disappeared around the corner.

All was silent for a moment as the two continued their walk, one dipping his head back to gaze at the passing clouds, and the other letting his head hang toward the ground.

"You know, you don't make yourself very subtle." Josuke murmured, eyes following a group of fleeting birds.

"What do you mean?"

"It's not everyday you look at fancy necklaces with such a stare, especially after (Y/n) had just mentioned how much she liked them."

"Hey, it's not like that!"

"Sure it isn't," he laughed, "but if it was, then you can just come to me for help."

"...Really?" Okuyasu mumbled. 

"Of course! We're friends, aren't we?"

"Well, yeah.."

"Then I'm gonna help you out... Do you know what she likes?"

Thus sparked the escapade for the proper way to confess-- all while at home, the mask was only making you curioser by the day.

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