19- In The Dark

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(tw: allusion to self harm)


In the darkest corner you reside, knees to your chest, arms wrapped around your racking body. Weeping your sorrows would bear no progress to figuring out what's happened, but what else could you do?

Someone's probably found your brothers body by now, hopefully alive, and called the police. You've seen the missing posters outside, a picture of you printed into waving papers that stay stapled to trees, and taped to store windows. 

You think of Okuyasu, as you often do, and wonder if he cares for your absence. It's a struggle to convince yourself that he does, at least to some degree, after everything that had happened with your aunt and uncle. 

Even still, what if he doesn't? what if moving on isn't as hard for him as it is for you? Some people let go of things far too easily, letting it slip like sand between their fingers; You hope you're not just another grain.

From where you sit, a mirror can be sighted off to the side, leaning just by the door at an oh-so perfect angle you could see your hideous body in the split reflection. Eyes as piercing as needles, nails fine as knives, skin cold and barren of pulse.

As you stared, a thousand of your own eyes stared back, almost mockingly as you'd realized over and over what a monster you'd become. 

Moonlight creeps in down from the window down the hall, running down the old floors, racing to stain you. Just outside, a cricket chirps gingerly with the passing night, and you could only hope to die quicker with each pluck of its violin legs.

Hazamada was generous enough to house you despite the risk, bringing you whatever it is a creature like you might need. You haven't had a feeling of hunger in days, and water was only useful to burn your skin when you saw fit to punish yourself. The only thing you could think of eating was lollipops, with the occasional sip of tea when you could stand it.

Your host walks in with a thickly folded blanket sitting in his short arms, and he stares down at you with an odd interest. Studying you like some fine art, or maybe a peculiar insect, he tilts his head and sighs, "Still refusing to move?"

"I'd find it fitting for a beast like me to rot out of sight like a mouse in the walls." You mumbled through dry sobs. 

"Vampire as you might be, you seem human enough." Hazamada says. "Everyone at the coffee shop is wondering where you're at. Your coworkers especially."

Right. A vampire, that's what you were supposed to be. 

Your skin bubbled and melted beneath the glare of the sun, smoking flesh perfuming the area as fire bit into your skin. An unparalleled speed with inhuman strength, proven to exist after you raced to catch some falling glass, only to instead break it between your fingers.

A vampire, a vampire, a vampire, you didn't want to be that for Halloween. You didn't want to be one at all, really.

The blanket billows in the air as it's tossed atop your body, clothed in bloody clothes you refuse to leave the embrace of for something cleaner. "Your boyfriend, too." Hazamada continues. "He's especially worried."

That seemed to do some good in bringing your mood back to-- not quite --normal. 

"His friends nephew is pretty handy at detective work, I guess, so he's having him help look for you. I haven't said anything, being respectful about your wishes and all, but I really suggest you let them at least know you're alive."

"They'll kill me." You replied. "You almost did."

"That was different. I knew you weren't in the right state of mind, but another person was being hurt. Your brother, to clarify."

"I know. But they, Morioh, won't understand. I'll be burned at the center of town, a stake driven to my heart, and I'll die without even knowing how this happened."

"You won't, I promise you won't, but we've just got to figure out how to not let that happen." Hazamada sighs, dropping to sit next to you with tired eyes. "I know someone that might be able to help."

"How sudden. Have you been thinking about this?"

"How could I not? One of my only friends-- if not my only friend-- is in trouble, and is living in my house as a vampire. Wouldn't you want to do something about it?"

"I suppose... What is it you have in mind?"

"Me and Koichi payed a visit to a certain mangaka a while back..."

Making his dragged on story short, the only help you were sure to find was in the aid of a man named Rohan, a manga artist a little ways down from where you stayed. According to Koichi's side of the story, he's able to rewrite someone how he pleases, altering certain aspects of them to fit whatever it is he desires. 

However, come to find out, he's not the most friendly, nor the most willing to help, when it comes to anyone but himself. It was on that note you'd already given up, already sure he'd never help you with your problem-- until Hazamada suggested something different.

"If you feel like maybe you wouldn't want to risk it, we can try something else." He says, catching your long face. 

"What else is there?"

"We can slowly get you back on your feet, one step at a time. Start out with maybe walking around the house to get you back in your funk, then maybe take walks outside at night to get yourself used to the environment again. We can go as slow as you want."


"I won't push you to do something you don't think you're ready for. Y'know, in case you decide to bite my head off."

"Oh, c'mon, I promise I won't do that. How could I after all you've done?"

There's a moment where you consider that maybe you shouldn't have mastered the art of wishing you were someone else. Your maraschino eyes may once have been a softer, kinder color, but they still told the same story you've been sure relive in your dreams. You're still (Y/n). 

And because you were still you, however fortunate or unfortunate that was, you knew that throwing in the towel was reserved for when you'd actually made an attempt to better your situation.

Rising to your feet, somewhat shakily albeit, you squirmed uncomfortably in your blood crusted clothes and looked down at Hazamada, who was now standing at your side, curious. 

"Well, uhm, let's get started with that walk then?" You suggested, hesitant.

"Are you ready for that?"

"We can find out. There's a couple hours till dawn, let's see how long I can go."

The slightest of smiles ghosted Hazamada's face, though it quickly hid behind the obsidian hair curtaining his head as he turned away. "Sure. Let me go get you some clean clothes, at least. You can borrow my moms."

As he leaves the room, you can only wonder how long it'll take you to get you back to how you were before-- if that was even an option. There was no doubt in your mind that this 'baby-step' stage would last a while, a long while at that, even if it was for the best. 

You could only wonder what everyone else was thinking. 


I'm back. last update was december, it's now februrary

and now, i shall disappear again

but i promise I'll update within the month since i know what im going to be doing for the next chapter

but i promise I'll update within the month since i know what im going to be doing for the next chapter

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