6- green tea leaves

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the cake pops lasted a good ten minutes before each of them were demolished, leaving you to resort back to your usual lollipops. unwrapping a cherry sucker, you popped it into your mouth and began working the counter again, only to realize it was closing time. "hey, (y/n), when are you going to introduce us to that brother of yours?" melody asked, walking behind you with a large box of coffee blenders.

you rolled your eyes. "trust me, you dont want to get to know him. he's super weird."

"oh really~?" margo hummed, placing both her hands on your back and leaning over your shoulder. "he seems pretty cute, does he have a girl- fuck!"

melody threw a box of sweetener at margo, knocking her off of you. "margo! dont fucking ask that!"

you turned to face the two, confused. "weren't you guys literally fucking behind the counter earlier?"

margo rubbed her head, standing up and brushing her jacket off. "yeah, we were bored."

"bored?" you repeated, even more confused.

melody walked behind margo, slapping her on the back of her head before disappearing into the backroom. "yeah, just experimenting, but that doesn't mean i wouldn't do it again."

you sighed, walking up to the door and flipping the 'open' sign to the 'closed' side. yawning, you stumbled back behind the counter, slipping off your white apron and hanging it up, leaving you in your white button up and black dress pants. 

"hm, that's strange.. seth is usually here by now..." you hummed to yourself, walking to the entrance of the cafe and looking outside. "maybe he's just running late.."

margo wiped down her hands with a towel, cleaning off the counter right after. "hey, didnt you say he worked at that trussardi place?"

"yeah," you replied, walking back to the bar to help finish cleaning up. "he's usually here right on closing time.."

margo stretched her arms, huffing as she lazily threw her apron on the rack next to yours. "well, do you want me to walk you over there? and if hes not there, ill just walk you home."

you shook your head, washing your hands clean. "its alright, you dont have to do that for me.."

"no, its ok! ill walk you over there right now.." margo smiled, waving goodbye to melody as she walked you out of the cafe, arms linked. "maybe we can grab a bite at the restaurant he works at before we go!"


after your ten minute walk, you and margo managed to find your way over to the restaurant Seth worked at, entering in search of your brother. you looked around the main area of the restaurant, finding that there were only two tables with two chairs seated at each. strange, you thought, who owns a restaurant with only two tables?

margo, who looked equally as confused, glanced around the room, "its.. empty? uhm- didnt you say your brother was a waiter here?"

"yeah, but ive never actually come inside the restaurant, ive only seen it from the outside. maybe.. he's in the back?" you mumbled, looking around some more. 

margo led you the back of the room, boldly peeking her head inside the kitchen and looking around. "hello~! anybody home?"

the sound of metal clanking against the counter echoed out of the kitchen, followed by rapid steps. turning around a large stove, a strangely attractive foreign man stared at the both of you in surprise. "ah-! im so sorry for the wait, give me just one moment, please!"

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