8- detective seth, on the case!

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(just a chapter of seth being a protective older brother since you all dont get to see enough of him <3)

~seths pov~

awoken by a throbbing sensation in his head, seth weakly sat up on his mattress, running his nimble fingers through his electric blue hair in a feeble attempt to fix the knotted mess. most of the time, seth would only have headaches when he's either too tired, dehydrated, or when his body is trying to tell him something is wrong, almost like a sixth sense. you never understood it as a kid, as all your older brother told you about it was 'its a superpower i have!'

he obviously didnt have a super power, since this was more of a strange talent. after all, he was never able to see [red balloons] like you could.

assuming he just needed a nice glass of water to make his headache dissipate, seth rolled out of his bed and directly onto the floor, landing onto chest harshly. its a good thing he had a high pain tolerance, at least.

scrambling to his feet, he stumbled to the kitchen in only a white button up and his boxers, pulling open the fridge and grabbing a bottled water. normally, you'd be up before him and making yourself a lousy breakfast, so he found it strange when he discovered the kitchen to be empty.

even after chugging a whole bottle of water, the pounding in his head didnt go away, making him begin to worry. seth was positive he got enough sleep last night, so there was no way he would have a headache for that, and he just drank a whole bottle of water, so he defenitely shouldnt be dehydrated at the moment. that only leaves one possibility as to why he would feel this way, since he wasnt sick. "(y/n)...?"

the house remained silent, creaking and moaning as its weight shifted. there was no response from you.

seth dropped his empty water bottle into the trash can, narrowing his eyes at the open air as he began to feel an uneasy sensation grow in his stomach. "(y/n)!"

no response. 

"(y/n) Roma! i swear, if you dont answer me-!"

his rough morning voice echoed through the small house, bouncing off the shallow walls and right back to him in mockery. agitated by the lack of response, seth stomped into your room and flicked on the light, blinking a few times to adjust his eyes to the sudden brightness.

the moment he was about to call your name again, seth found that his voice was caught in his throat, a worried expression twisting his face like taffy in a taffy stretcher when he caught sight of your empty bed. you used to leave the house in the middle of the night when you and seth stilled lived with your mom and her boyfriend, but now that you've moved away from them, seth hadnt the slightest idea as to why you would run away.

"maybe she just went to work early... yeah, that just has to be where she's at."

his growing headache told him otherwise.


sprinting down the street as he was still putting on his jacket, seth sharply turned the corner to your cafe, relentlessly pounding on the glass door with so much strength he was sure it would crack. margos head snapped up from the cash register, her eyes lighting up when they made contact with seths.

almost a little too excitedly, the blonde worker bounded over to the cafe entrance, opening the door with a sly smile. "hello, seth! what brings you over to our humble cafe before opening time?"

"is (y/n) here?" seth asked calmly, panic lacing his voice like an invisible thread.

margo tilted her head, stuffing her hands into her jackets pockets. "no, she's always here right as it opens, so she should be here in about forty-five minutes. why? is something wrong?"

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