Chapter 6: Newsletter

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Monday's edition of The Torch was record breaking. All copies distributed through the school were gone before first period, and during lunch Clara and Chloe had to spend time printing more rather than eating due to demand. Who knew an interview with a boy billionaire would cause so much fuss? Luthor's were hot property. Clara had been both amused and horrified to see the photograph of Lex from the front page on several girls lockers, including some artful decorations like hearts. Several guys had been more artistic, putting on moustaches and hair and in one instance horns. Clara contemplated one artful drawing of a goatee before dismissing it, she liked him better clean shaven. Not that he could grow facial hair. Or could he? It would be rude to ask.

Clara tried to imagine Lex with the thick red locks he had in her memory of the meteor shower, it just didn't seem a part of his anymore. Although Clara amused herself with the fact that Lex was a closet red-head. It would have clashed terribly with Lex's preference for shades of purple.

Clara sometimes wondered where she had gotten her blue eyes from, or her black hair? Did she look like her mother or her father? Had they had powers too? Why did they send her away? Were they alive?

She'd always known she was adopted, the whole town did, but she would always be the Kent's daughter. Her mother's Star-baby. Her father's shadow.

But she couldn't help but wonder who she would have been if she'd stayed with her birth parents. That is, if her people weren't born in pods or something.

She didn't even know what to call herself.

For all she knew she was Martian.

Later on Monday, Clara had another confrontation with Whitney, this time about Lucas's ring.

"Kent, Lucas really loves that ring, he gave it to me for luck for the big game, if I've lost it, then he'll never forgive me!"

"If you really cared about Lucas you wouldn't have risked losing it. I don't have it, if you want it, go scour the field. You've made your bed, now lye in it."

Clara had turned her back on a stunned Whitney and walked the other way. No one ever talked back to Whitney.

Clara felt quite empowered after that. It probably wasn't a very gracious thing to do, but it needed to be said.

The rest of the week went fairly quickly, Clara was very busy with her AP classes. Clara was able to speed read and absorb information like a sponge. So far she'd only used it to get through high-school Spanish. She was practically fluent when reading, speaking not so much. There's only so much you can learn from books. Clara had a head for numbers, trigonometry, calculus; it just made sense to her. She and Chloe always passed with flying colours in math. Not that she bragged about it, she didn't like to draw attention to her abilities.

Clara hadn't seen Lex all week, he was busy settling in and taking charge of the Smallville plant. She'd received a few texts about the time for his delivery but not much else. It was understandable though, he was a busy man.

Clara couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

So, Clara volunteered to do the weekly food delivery on Friday morning with her father. They did several trips a week depending on customers' demands. First: Mr Vasquez, Mrs Hunter, Smallville Food Co and a few others and finally the Luthor Mansion.

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