Chapter 35: Krypto - Part 3

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Clara was worried that the Golden Retriever would wander off on their walk, but after 5 minutes of walking she'd notice that the dog never went more than a foot away from her. Once Goldy (as she'd nicknamed him) had started walking again the day after Christmas, he'd taken to following any given member of the Kent family around the house. When they'd left him on his own downstairs on the first night, Goldy had managed to open the stair, and Clara's door on his own, and settled himself at the foot of her bed. She hadn't minded, she'd always wanted a pet, the animals on the farm were for work, not cuddling. That didn't stop her slipping the horses sugar cubes.

Chloe came round to exchange presents on the 2 days after Christmas, Clara had informed her of their new guest on the phone, so thankfully she didn't bring Lois with her, as she was allergic to dogs.


He's cute" she said, ruffling the dogs fur, talking to Clara over her shoulder, who was making hot coco for them in the kitchen.

"Are you keeping him?"

The dogs tongue lolled and he panted in that happy way that only canines can.

"We don't know if he belongs to anyone else yet. My parents said that if no one claims him they'd think about it. I hope we do, he's awesome" said Clara, placing a cup of the chocolate beverage, complete with marshmallows, on a coaster on the coffee table for Chloe. She snuck the dog a cookie, and he chomped it happily.

"Thanks" said Chloe, picking it up.

"You're welcome" replied Clara, sitting down and placing a plate of gingerbread cookies down. Her mother had always insisted that you offered food to guests, it was just polite. Clara has almost creased up when her mother managed to unload an entire pie on Lex, she hoped he enjoyed it.

"You know, Golden Retrievers are meant to be very intelligent, they're used as guide dogs. Does he do any tricks?"

Clara considered this, the dog did always seem very alert, and last night he had figured out how to open her bedroom door.

"Well he knows how to open doors. Maybe he was someone's helper dog?"

"Let's try an experiment" said Chloe, placing her coco on the coaster and sitting up, looking intently at the dog.


The dog just stood there, wagging his tail.

"Lie down."

Still nothing.

"Roll over."

The dog tilted his head quizzically looking at her with big brown eyes.

Chloe scoffed and picked up her coco again: "You sure he opened a door?"

Clara considered the dog, and then remembered that he was a Retriever, so on a whim she took a leap of faith.

"Goldy, go get your blanket please."

The dog turned and ran into the kitchen, returning a few moments later with the plaid blanket he'd been sleeping on yesterday in his mouth. He dragged it with ease and presented it proudly to Clara, tail wagging.

"Good boy!" she said, taking the blanket from him and putting her arms around his neck. His tail wagged madly.

Chloe looked at him in wonder and suspicion "Well that was pretty specific. If you keep him, send him out to find gold."

The dogs ears pricked at the last word.

"Oh" said Clara, the mention of gold reminding her, "Let me go get your present, it's out in the barn on my desk."

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