Chapter 37: Formal Announcements

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Smallville High Winter Formal

Ladies Choice


28th January 2006

Lucas looked at the flyer he had been handed by Ellen Singer and asked.

"What's TWIRP stand for?"

But Ellen had already moved onto her next victim, so Chloe, who was in the doorway of The Torch office answered:

"It's an acronym; it means The Woman Is Required To Pay. Seeing as we don't have a Sadie Hawkins dance the Events Committee has decided this year's Winter Formal will be Ladies choice. I'd watch out if I were you, I can already see the wolves circling."

Lucas looked down the hall to see groups of teenage girls with flyers looking up at him then whispering conspiratorially. If that wasn't enough, then there was giggling.

"I think I'm somewhere not here that weekend."

Clara came out of The Torch office with another load of photocopied posters and flyers, handing them to a waiting Events Committee member.

"Here you are Stacy."

"Thanks Clara! The copier in the Student Lounge broke down and the Staff wouldn't let us use theirs for "non-class related propaganda". They're real kill joys. Hope to see you at the dance!"

Stacy, a perky blond girl with an inclination towards wearing varying shades of Pink, smiled chipperly at Clara before bouncing down the hall passing out flyers like an overgrown cupid.

It was the second week back from the Christmas break and after a week of having the life frightened out of them by their teachers about the approaching SATs, the Events Committee was doing its part to distract them all by having them agonise over who to ask to the Winter Formal instead.

Lucas moved the heat of the conversation away from him by asking:

"Who are you asking Clara?"

Clara smiled and nervously brushed her wavy hair behind her ear.

"Dances and I get along a lot better if I'm working. I'll be taking pictures for The Torch and the Year Book Committee."

"So there's no one in school you'd want to ask at all?"

A vision of Lex in a tux entered Clara's mind, she forced the thought out of her head. He was one of her best friends, and definitely way too sophisticated to go to a high school dance in a gym decorated with crepe paper and balloons. But she couldn't hide a blush appearing on her cheeks.

"No, no one here."

Chloe looked at her knowingly.

"What about you Chloe, anyone you'd ask?"

"Sorry to insult your kind Lucas, but teenage boys can be a little immature. I prefer a man with a little more...experience of life."

Clara remembered what Chloe had said about her brief tryst with an intern at the Daily Planet, at least if 21 could be called "experienced". Jimmy Olson, she thought his name was.

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