Chapter 34: Krypto - Part 2

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Clara sat on the couch with her new patient wrapped in a plaid blanket beside her, giving off little whines. Her Mom had said the dog was in shock but there were no physical injuries apart from some bruises. After assuring himself that the dog was alright (visually, he hadn't come close to him) Lex had left them to the rest of their Christmas Day. He pledged to pay any expenses incurred while he searched for the dog's owner. Clara was glad for both Lex's and the dog's sake that this had ended happily.

Hearing another whine and looking into the big chocolate brown eyes of the dog who was looking at her in a sorrowful expression. Clara reached over and started softly patting his head. She hated seeing anyone in pain, and that included animals.

"I had a dog that looked like him when I was growing up, we called him Shelby" said Martha from the kitchen, as she cleaned up their make-shift veterinary surgery.

Clara stroked his neck and felt nothing there but silky fur.

"Did he have a collar?"

Martha opened the garbage can and dumped the cotton wipes and bandages in it.

"Not that we saw sweetie, but if we take him to the vets in a day or so we can get them to check if he's micro-chipped."

The dogs whine increased and he buried his head in his paw, covering his nose before yelping at his soreness. Clara stroked a little softer, worried she'd pressed on a bruise.

"You don't think he's a stray?"

Martha washed off her hands and came from the kitchen to sit on the little coffee table by the couch, opposite Clara. She reached out her hand and stroked the dog's side gently over the cloth.

"He's very well fed if he is. His hair is brushed and he's obviously been socialised with humans. He probably escaped from a backyard somewhere and will be missed fairly soon. Who wouldn't miss him? He's a very handsome boy."

The dog looked at Martha, watching her mouth with a look of concentration and his tongue lolled at the last statement. If Clara didn't know better she'd have thought he understood her Mom.

Jonathan Kent walked into the room from the hallway and stood behind the couch.

"Well, no one's reported a dog missing, I called Ethan and he hasn't heard anything."

Sheriff Ethan Miller had been Sheriff since the meteor shower. It was common practise for him to hook his home phone up to the Police 911 calls on holidays, so no one would have to man the station for the day. It was a small town, policing was done differently, Clara was sure you could never close a police station in Metropolis. But crime was rare in Smallville, at least serious crime. Sheriff Miller spent most of his time corralling the local teenagers and settling disputes over land boundaries and filched cattle. Well, until the break-ins at Luthor Corp facilities anyway.

A lost dog would be par the course.

"They'll probably phone it in tomorrow" said Jonathan, leaning over his daughter to look at their furry house guest.

Clara looked between her father and the dog, "What if no one claims him?"

"Then he'll go to the animal shelter. He's a good looking dog, he'll be adopted pretty fast" said Jonathan, smiling at the golden creature who shifted to have his head in Clara's lap.

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