Chapter 30: Christmas Shopping

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"So, have you started shopping yet, there's only two weeks left!"

Clara was startled away from her typing to look up at Chloe, who was decking The Torch office out in paper chains and tinsel. It was Friday, four days since Clara had come back from Gotham, and looking at the calendar she realised it was the 9th of December, only just over two weeks until Christmas. Even thought she was writing an article on the Christmas events, she hadn't realised how close it was.

"I haven't really thought about it, with everything that's been going on. I guess I'll have to start this weekend."

"Well I've already got you covered, I've been ebaying and amazoning since October. Now I just need something for Lois, she's always hard to buy for."

Clara bristled slightly at the mention of her childhood foe, thankfully Lois had gone back to Metropolis a few days earlier. She'd be back for the Christmas holidays, which started on the 21st, so Clara had a few weeks of peace with Chloe.

"I guess you've got some new people to buy for."

"True, I don't know what to get for my Grandpa, my Mom sends him a card with my picture every year, but now we're building a relationship I want to get him something from me. What do people usually get their Grandparents?"

"Ties? Novelty mugs? Don't you make some of your gifts in the Kent family? Like the bird house your Dad made for your Mom?"

"Yeah, but Grandpa's a Lawyer, and a Clark. I'm not sure if he'd want potted preserves."

"I'm sure he'll love whatever you get him. But your Grandpa wasn't who I was asking about."

"Who then?"

"Lex, are you getting him anything?"

Clara's stomach flip-flopped. She hadn't spoken to Lex since she'd gotten back from Gotham, she'd been busy preparing for exams and actively avoiding the student populous. Calling or texting hadn't seemed right either, she hoped he wasn't mad with her. But Chloe had introduced a new problem, what do you buy for the man who has everything?

"Yeah, now that you remind me, I am. I have no idea what though."

"I can see your problem, Lex practically owns all the stores in Metropolis. Maybe make him something? That is, if you ever speak to him again."

Chloe gave her a pointed look and Clara blushed, she was right, Clara was being a coward.

"His food delivery is on Sunday, I'm taking it with my Mom."

"Maybe you can scout out his office, to see if there's anything he doesn't have? Or drop a few subtle hints?"


"Are you almost done?"

Clara glanced at the article on her screen, which was describing the different Yuletide events for Smallville. There was a Christmas arts and crafts bazaar, the Christmas light ceremony and tree in the town square, the annual Christmas Farmer's Market, which Clara would be working at, (she sold a lot of pies each year) and the Christmas Carol Concert at the local Church.

"Yeah, I've just got to spell check then you can proof read it."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the office door and Clara turned to see Jason.

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