Chapter 43: New Skills/Forgiveness

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Weeks seemed to pass by in the blink of an eye, suddenly the cold crisp air of winter gave way to the warm breath of spring, and life began to sprout everywhere. Nowhere on earth is the passing of this time more apparent than on a farm. Spring is the time the crops take root, and the time of birth. The farmers of Smallville, while technically in competition, also worked as a cooperative to share their skills in the busy season. On top of her schoolwork and writing for the Torch, Clara found herself shearing sheep at the Coulson's (where she caught 15-year-old Billy Coulson staring at her chest), helping to repair broken-down tractors across the county (mechanics were expensive), and assisting in the delivery of the spring lambs. Most girls her age would have been "grossed out" by the process of birth, but Clara thought there was something miraculous about it.

Though she sometimes felt a pang that she might never get to experience that miracle herself.

All of this meant that she only got to see Lex one or two evenings a week after her schoolwork, chores, and helping out neighbours (she'd run full speed to his place and back to save time). Also, the S.A.T's were bearing down on her, and though she had memorised every topic and past exam paper, it didn't stop her being nervous. With the money her grandfather gave her, she didn't have to worry about a scholarship, and this made her feel quite guilty. She wouldn't have the debts that Chloe and her peers had, but then, without her grandfather's intervention her parent's would have had to make major sacrifices for her to go to Metro-U. It was a catch 22, she was guilty that she had the money, but glad she wouldn't be a burden to her parents. When she'd tried to explain this to Lex, who had always had money, he was surprisingly sympathetic to her plight.

"Money can be both a blessing and a curse. For me, I've never known if those around me were there for me, or for my checking account. Well, until you" Lex said, kissing Clara's forehead while they were curled up on the couch, Clara resting on his chest as they watched television. They'd gotten a lot more comfortable with each other physically over the last two months, and while they were nowhere near ready to take the big step, Clara was happy they'd gotten past the initial intimacy barrier, at least in private.

"The important thing is not to lose sight of the value of a dollar. Always know what you have, but don't let yourself feel you're better than someone who doesn't have it. That can lose you friends, I learned that the hard way. In the end, it's just material. If you feel bad about not having to struggle like your friends, then use the extra time you'll have to make a difference."

That last phrase had struck a chord with Clara, she could feel the undertones, if she had an advantage, she should use it to help others. That counted for her gifts too. Was it fair for her to live a normal life, go to college, have a job, when she could be helping so many people if she didn't? These thoughts weighed heavily on her. But sitting laughing with Chloe, helping her father fix the tractor, filling in College forms with her Mom, curling up on the couch with Lex, she didn't want to give all that up. But if she wasn't struggling to pay for college, she'd at least have more time to help people.

Clara knew she would always have to live two lives, and she was glad she had Lex in both of them. They'd continued to experiment with her limits, timing her running, experimenting with new skills. Lex was proficient in fencing and Jujitsu, and he'd been teaching her some of it:

"Just because you are strong doesn't mean you don't have to be skilled. If for some reason you ever lost your advantage, you'd need to be able to defend yourself like the rest of us. Or, what if someone is just as strong as you? You need tactics."

Yup, Luthor's were all about skill, training and tactics. So Clara was learning about grapple holds, high kicks and punches. All of which let her get quite up close and personal with Lex in a legitimate setting. She had to pull her punches of course, which was good practice anyway for if she ever got into a fight in public and couldn't use her alter-ego, whatever that would be. Lex had some thoughts on that.

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