CHAPTER XXII - ❝A Silent Death❞

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The next morning, Perseus and the rest of the group wake up to an unpleasant sight. They saw Maxwell, lying on the floor, pulseless, and read the note that Vincent and Cameron had left.

"To the imbecile of a creature, Perseus Scott, and you bastard of a Bassett, I've captured your damsels in distress. If you do not surrender your power over to us and get the blessings of their fathers to let us marry them, we will tear them limb for limb until there is nothing left. Come to Ambrosia, get on your knees, and MAYBE we will spare their lives. If you do not bring what we've asked for in seven days time, then you will never see them again. Your new rulers, Vincent and Cameron." Perseus read.

"Do they really expect us to do that? There is absolutely no way that their fathers will condone this!" Rosalynn exclaims.

"They expect us to do anything they ask because they've captured our beloveds. But here's what we're gonna do..." While Perseus explains what they are going to do, Vincent and Cameron deal with the two angsty creatures they'd captured..

"Vincent, let us go this instant!" Elissi cries.

"Cameron, how could you? We are not meant to be imprisoned!" Tallulah adds.

"Calm yourselves, we've just made an arrangement. You'll be out soon enough, now stop your whining." Vincent says, nonchalantly. Cameron and Vincent walk away to discuss their plans for Perseus and the rest of their possy..

"Vincent, you've done quite enough. I haven't agreed to any of this. You must be stopped."

"There's nothing you can do about it, Cameron. You've been quite helpful, but now I must set you free."

"Set me free? Vincent, you've got to release them. They've done nothing wrong. They wanted love, not arrangements."

"And this, my friend, is why you must leave. You're not ready to kill them when they arrive, you're weak, you'll never do the job. Guards! Take him home, would you?"

"Vincent! Release me now!" The guards surround him and escort him home as he fights the whole way. Vincent carries on with his plans, but little did he know that his father heard the whole thing..

"He's going to kill them? I must warn them before it is too late." King Valente hurries to write a letter to send to Perseus. He gives the letter to his only loyal guard.

"Darran, take this letter to Primrose, to the princess's manor, immediately. I'm sure that Perseus is there, wondering where his lover is."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Soon enough, Darran hands the letter to Perseus at Elissi's manor..

"His Majesty, King Valente has sent me to give this letter to you, he said that it was urgent."


"Yes. I know not of the reasoning, but you must read it and do as it says."

"Thank you, you may be off now."

"Yes, sir." Perseus reads the letter and realizes that he must think smartly. He tells the rest of the group..

"And we must follow this, for we may be killed if not."

"Are you mad? This is clearly a trap." Rosalynn concurs, once more.

"I am not, and it is not. King Valente gave Elissi and I his blessing because he knew of his son's intentions."

"He's clearly mad." Rosalynn whispers.

"I am not! Vincent is dangerous, and you're either in this with me or you can leave."

"Fine, I'll go along, but if you get killed, I'll laugh."

"Fair enough, who's with me?" Everyone agrees to go along. But first, they must pay their respects to a lost soul, a funeral for Maxwell.

Soon enough, friends and family of Prince Maxwell arrive in Primrose for the ceremony. Amongst those people, there is the one and only, Princess Genevieve, the girl who Perseus is supposed to marry...

"Princess Genevieve, you made it." Perseus says.

"Of course I made it, he's my brother."

"Yes, of course. Listen, I don't mean to bring any more sadness or disappointment to you, but I truly don't want to marry you."

"Oh, thank the lord. I don't want to marry you either."

"You don't?"

"No, not at all, I'd rather marry for love. And I don't mean to be bitter, but you are not what I'd consider a match made in heaven."

"I completely understand. So you're alright if we call off the engagement?"

"Yes, one-hundred percent."

"Thank you, Genevieve. And I'm so very sorry for your loss, he was a good man."

"Indeed he was." The ceremony begins and people begin to weep and mourn the death of the prince.

"Today we are here to mourn the death of a true prince, and his name was Maxwell. If everyone could take a seat so that we can begin..." While the ceremony began, Vincent prepared his plans for when Perseus and the rest of his possy arrived..

"Elissi, would you hush? I'm trying to get work done." She and Tallulah were screaming and trying to escape the bars of their prison.

"You can't make me, Vincent! You've trapped me, I've got a voice, I'm going to scream." While Elissi argued, Tallulah finally gave up and sat down to rest.

"Look at your dear friend, Tallulah, she's got enough sense to shut her mouth and be an obedient little gal."

"You've got quite the nerve. You know that Perseus and Daxton will come to our rescue."

"Precisely. When they try to rescue you, they will only fall into a trap."

"What trap?" Elissi asks.

"They will have no choice, but to surrender to me."

"What? What do you mean?" Vincent walks away, not answering her question.

Meanwhile, in the darkness of Primrose, Perseus devises a plan to get Tallulah and Elissi back from the wretched hands of Vincent and Cameron...

"I know that Vincent will perceive a plan to trap us by tricking us into going to Ambrosia without weaponry, but with only a motivated heart of love. Within the next seven suns, we will travel slowly but surely to Ambrosia. Surrounding their grounds, demanding our mistresses back. However, we will collect a small army of those who worship their beloved princess, fighting for her on the front premises of the battlefield, while Daxton and I make our way around the other side of the manor, rescuing our loves."

"Sounds like a plan, brother."

"Don't be absurd, Daxton, I am not your brother."

"I.. I was only pulling your leg."

"Alright, but we need to focus, so from here on out, no more 'pulling' of the leg."

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