CHAPTER V - ❝Coming of Age❞

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It is the day of Tallulah's coming of age ball. Last minute preparations are being made. Tallulah finds herself panicking, trying to make sure that everything is absolutely perfect. Elissi and Perseus exchange a look before they approach her.

"Lu, is everything alright?" Elissi says, making sure she doesn't overstep.

"No, everything is NOT alright. This is wrong, this is all wrong. I have my final fitting for my gown, and I still have to pick out everything. I want this to be perfect!" Tallulah starts to breathe heavily. Elissi and Perseus try to calm her down, and succeed, for a moment. They take her upstairs for her final gown fitting.

"How does this look?" Tallulah asks, pleadingly. Elissi and Perseus know they must choose their next words very carefully.

"You look beautiful, Lulu." Perseus responds. Elissi nods her head in agreement and says..

"The golden print really brings the bright baby blue of the gown together. It looks amazing! You're amazing." She smiles reassuringly, earning a gentle smile back from Tallulah. Perseus gives her a look, letting her know that they did good.

"Okay, okay. I'm fine. It's going great. You're right. I have nothing to worry about." Tallulah replies, taking a huge breath. They all turn as they hear a loud knock coming from downstairs.

"Oh, that must be the grand duke." Tallulah says, wiping tears from her face. The knocking continues, and to her surprise, it's Daxton and Delilah. She blushes as she looks down.

"Daxton.. Delilah! Come in, come in." She says, realizing they are still standing outside. They hear a faint yelling from afar, seeing a small figure. As the figure comes closer, she realizes it's Rosalynn.

"Lu! Lu! I'm here! Don't close the door!" Rosalynn shouts. They all laugh as she stops at the door, out of breath. While no one is looking, Howl slips in. As she walks in, she gives Delilah a kiss on the cheek, shocking everyone around them. But, being the supportive friends they are, they went with it, asking delightful questions.

"Woah, woah, woah, are you two dating?!" Howl bursts out. Everyone gives him a dirty look as the two girls laugh. Delilah and Rosalynn look at each other for a long second and Rosalynn finally speaks up and says..

"Yes, Howl, yes we are. Is there a problem?" He pipes down, feeling embarrassed. Under his breath he says..

"No, not a problem at all." The group walks to the dining area, wishing to forget what had just happened.


At Tallulah's Ball

As the guests are arriving, Tallulah nervously paces across her room, as the last jitters settle in. A light knock on her door distracts her. She opens it up to reveal Daxton, looking to her with a knowing smile. He steps in and says, "Don't worry, Lu. You look gorgeous." She smiles as she closes the door, but continues to pace. He grabs her shoulders and looks her dead in the eyes, saying...

"Look at me.. look at me, okay?" She is about to cry.

"Okay." A tear sheds from the corner of her eye. He places his hand on her face, and kisses her.

Meanwhile, Violet and Asher-Timothy have a deep conversation. Asher-Timothy looks like a nervous wreck...

"Uhm.. so.. Vi- I uhm.. I've been looking for you all night. I wanted to ask you something important." He stutters. She looks to him hopefully, encouraging him to go on.

"Is that so? What did you want to ask me?" She smiles. As he begins to speak, he is interrupted by the host. In a loud, broad voice, Tallulah's father announces her arrival:

"Attention! Attention everyone! I'm so proud to introduce my daughter, Tallulah Meyers. Oh? And who is that beside her? It seems to be Lord Daxton Bassett." Their friends were quite shocked as they looked up to see that Daxton Bassett was indeed, escorting Tallulah down the stairs. A much necessary round of applause was given. Daxton and Tallulah both smile, blush, and make their way to the middle of the ballroom for the first dance. The music begins. Tallulah looks at Daxton longingly.

"Lu, I'm right here. Don't be afraid, I've got you." Daxton reassures her. She smiles and rests her head on his shoulder. The room grows silent as the dance ends. Across the ballroom, Delilah and Rosalynn watch the two as they part ways. The next dance begins and they take each other's hands, gliding across the room.

"Isn't this fun?" Delilah asks, giggling.

"Yes, but I'd rather be alone with you." Rosalynn says with a grin.

"Oh gosh!" She blushes. The night goes on, and Asher-Timothy continues to try to talk to Violet. But every time, they are interrupted. At last, he gets the chance to talk to her. He takes her hand and pulls her under the table.

"What? Why have you brought me here?" Violet says, startled and a bit shook.

"I desperately need to tell you something." He says, nervously. She giggles and says..

"Okay? Well what is it?"

"Well... I... adore you!"


"Ah... umm... would it be alright if I maybe... courted you?"

"Of course, I've been waiting." She kisses him lightly.

"Oh... t-thank you." He blushes a bright red. They get out from under the table while receiving weird looks from the people around them. They head to the ballroom together and joyfully dance together.

Ryder and Howl watch the others as they contemplate their lives. Their other friends all have someone to share their hopes and dreams with, but Ryder and Howl are lonely with no one to give their love to. They are both quite handsome but they haven't had chances to get close to someone available that they were fond of in that way.

"Is there anyone here that you fancy?" Ryder askes Howl quietly.

"I... No." Howl lies, knowing that if he told the truth that Ryder would be furious. He makes eye contact with Violet while she is dancing with Asher-Timothy and he hides the fact that he is blushing from Ryder.

"You're looking quite red, Howl. There must be a woman you rendezvous with looking this way! Isn't that right?"

"Oh shut up!" He laughs it off, hoping that Ryder will forget about it all. He'd give almost anything to be with Violet but Asher-Timothy is his friend and he doesn't want to hurt their relationship. Violet continues to wonder why Howl blushes when their eyes meet. The night goes by quickly and before they know it, it's time to say goodbye.

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