CHAPTER IX- ❝The Silver Lining❞

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Rosalynn and Delilah are sitting on the bench in Tallulah's garden, while the rest of their friends are celebrating Tallulah's engagement. Delilah is worried because Rosalynn has a stern look across her face.

"What's wrong, Rosie?" Delilah says, wishing to break the silence.

"I've been thinking.. About you.. About me.. About everything.."

"Uh oh. What were your thoughts?"

"I know I won't be able to get through this without crying, so please just listen. Don't say a word till I've finished because this needs to be said."


"This.. what we have, it can no longer be. I've thought about this for quite some time, and I've decided that I need some independence. I rely on you more than I should, and I love you for that, but I need to learn to do things on my own. I hope you can understand." They both start to tear up..

"I understand." Delilah sobs, softly. Rosalynn desperately wants to comfort her, but she knows that it wouldn't be wise to do so. Instead, she walks away, giving Delilah some space. When she reaches Tallulah's ballroom, where everyone is celebrating, Ryder notices that she has been crying.

"Hey, hey, hey, Rosalynn.. Why the long face?" Ryder says, quite concerned. She starts to cry once more and runs home. He heads toward the direction where Rosalynn had just come from, the garden. As he continues to walk, he finds himself entering the maze, nearing the fountain. In front of the fountain, Delilah sits quietly whimpering on the bench.

"Delilah? Why are you crying?" He says, confused.

"Rosalynn and I... we've parted ways. We are no longer with one another." She begins to cry louder.

"Aw, Delilah. It'll be alright. I'm here for you. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Yes, I'd like that very much."

Meanwhile, Rosalynn finally reaches home..

She's tired from the running, but heartbroken because she realized what she had just done. Delilah was her best friend. She hadn't felt that close to anyone before and she fears she never will again.

"I need to better myself. I need to find myself. I need to be happy." Rosalynn says to herself quietly, wanting to get through this hard time. Back at Tallulah's celebration, the friends receive unfortunate news. Tallulah is pulled aside by one of her advisors.

"Ma'am, I have some bad news." Tallulah's advisor says. Daxton is sitting on the side, not meaning to eavesdrop but still does.

"Your father, he has fallen ill."

"What?! Ill? Whatever is wrong?"

"We are not sure but it's probably pneumonia."

"Oh.. no!" Tears fill her eyes as she looks down at her feet. Daxton quickly realized what happened and got up from his seat. He walks over to her and offers her a shoulder to cry on. He hugs her as she cries. Cameron realizes and immediately pushes him aside to be the hero.

"Excuse you? What was that for?" Daxton exclaims as he slowly realizes who it is.

"You crumb-muffin!" He is about to push Cameron aside but realizes that Tallulah just needs someone to rely on. He also didn't want to cause any more trouble.

"Hey, Lu?" She looks up at him, teary-eyed.

"I'm gonna go, but I'm always here if you need me, okay?"

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