CHAPTER VI - ❝Seize the Princess❞

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"PRINCESS, PRINCESS!! I WANT TO PAINT YOU! YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL!" A commoner yells at Elissi, holding his canvas.

"Stop. You are making me uncomfortable." Elissi says politely, trying to get away.

"Are the rumors true? Are you in love with Prince Vincent?

"PRINCESS why have you come to town?!" The duke makes his way up to her, and the people go wild.

"Princess! Are you here to see the handsome duke?!"

"Stop this madness at once! Begone." The townspeople back away but continue to watch the princess and the duke. They whisper amongst themselves, starting new rumors. A hand grabs her wrist and she whips her head around to look at who it is. She sees a man, with broken teeth, holding onto her wrist with both hands. The duke notices and immediately grabs her around her waist keeping her close to his body. Her heart is beating fast and the duke pulls her out of the crowd and into a secret passageway that leads them to his hometown.

"H.. how did you know about that passage?" Elissi says, intrigued and out of breath.

"I grew up here, I know every nook and cranny, I'll protect you." Perseus explains leading her down the passage.

"I can defend myself, Perseus."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, do you want to spar with me and find out?"

"Haha you could never beat me, let's do it!" They make their way to an open area and retrieve their fencing equipment from a stand nearby. They put on their gear and prepare for the sparring.

"Are you sure about this, El?"

"Of course I'm sure! I am the one who suggested it, after all!" They both say..

"En-garde, prêt, allez!" The fight is close. Perseus didn't expect Elissi to be so advanced and lost the first round. They continue to spar and the match is very close. As they get closer to the end, Elissi catches Perseus getting tired and makes the winning point.

"Haha I won!" She says proudly.

"It appears so, Your Highness. My sincerest apologies for ever doubting your skills."

"Why thank you, Perseus. All is forgiven. We should spar again sometime."

"We should go to the meadow before dark. I promise, it will be worth it."

"Okay, Perseus." They walk to the meadow and watch the fireflies rise. Elissi tries to catch one but trips, bringing Perseus down with her. They laugh and lay down to rest a moment. But, they both close their eyes and fall asleep in each other's arms.

Perseus awakens and realizes that it is already sunrise.

"El.." He whispers and worries about Elissi and what may have happened since she hadn't returned at night. As he is about to wake her up, he looks down at her, so peaceful, and decides to let her rest. His worries slowly go away and he falls back into his slumber.

A few hours later, it is Elissi who has awoken. She shakes Perseus awake and blushes when he opens his eyes. "We need to go, Perseus!" He looks up at her, and remembers what he was worried about. But, then an idea strikes. A smile is spread upon his face.

"Before I bring you back, will you please spend the day with me? I can take you to all the places I loved to go to when I was a young lad."

"...Okay." she says, hesitantly. He leads her down another passage and they find themselves at a flower garden.

"Where are we, Perseus? This place.. This place is beautiful." She says with awe in her voice.

"This is my favorite garden. I used to come here a lot with Daxton and Delilah."

"How lovely, what is so special about it?"

"This is the last place I was ever with my mother before she passed."

"Oh! I'm so sorry. But I can reassure you that there is nothing that could compare to the beauty of this garden." He looks down to his feet, shyly.

"Oh wow, is that a fountain?!"

"Yes, that is the prettiest spot here." Perseus says, knowing that the legend was never wrong. That all of the greatest loves were formed at this very fountain. They sit on a bench placed right in front of the fountain. Perseus looks deep into Elissi's eyes. At this point, there is only one thing he longs for. He leans in so close to Elissi's face that he can see his reflection in her eyes. Her breathing is so soft. Their lips almost touch...

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