CHAPTER XVIII - ❝War and Peace❞

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The next day, Perseus gathers his friends to help him with his surprise for Elissi. Everyone has come, even Howl's newest accessory, Emily. Perseus welcomes everyone in, hoping to have everything in place before Elissi returns.

"Hello, hello, welcome, please come in." A clutter of greetings overlap as they shuffle in.

"So what exactly are we doing here, Perce?" Daxton asks.

"Okay, so please keep yourselves together when I say this... but... I'm going to ask Elissi to marry me. She's gone to Ambrosia to ask for the cancellation of the engagement to Prince Vincent. Even if she doesn't succeed, I'm going to ask for her hand in marriage. She means everything to me, I'd do anything for her so there's no stopping me, please just help me out."

"Okay but what ab-"

"Daxton, don't worry. I've already asked King Elixir and he's given me permission, as long as the other marriage has fallen through. He's aware of Vincent's wrongdoings and said that I have enough of a status to support his daughter. So please, help me?"

"Fine, what do you want us to do?" Tallulah gives him a little nudge on the side, letting him know that he sounds insincere and rude.

"Sorry." he mutters to her.

"Rosalynn, Violet, Delilah, and Tallulah, could you handle the treats? Since you know El the best, I'm sure you'll be able to pick out her favorites. Asher-Timothy and Ryder, could you go down to the market down in the village and buy a few arrangements of flowers? Peonies please.. They are her favorite. Howl and Emily, the staff are upstairs parlor, please help them. And Dax, you can just stay here. Or you can help Lu with the presentation of the treats?"

"Why are you so on edge? Elissi is a simple creature, she'll appreciate even the smallest thing." Daxton comments. He seems out of the ordinary.

"Hey, Lu. Has he been drinking?" Perseus asks Tallulah.

"Yeah, I think he still has a bit of a hangover from last night and he might've snuck a glass this morning.. I'm truly sorry."

"There is no need for apology, you can take him up to the sleeping quarters down this hall." Perseus points in the direction of the sleeping quarters and Tallulah talks to him, giving him a lecture as he seems to ignore it all."

"Anywho, please go right away. Thank you all so much for coming to help me." Everyone goes in their separate ways, wanting this proposal to be just as perfect as Perseus does. They've never seen her so happy with someone in so long that they think that this would be a great idea. As they begin, Perseus gets pulled aside by a messenger.

"Excuse me, sir? May I speak to you? I have an iris from your father, Philipp Scott."

"Of course, let us go out onto the patio to have a bit more privacy." They make their way onto the patio and go out in the corner to talk.

"Now, what is it that Philipp wants?"

"All he has told me is that you need to be brought back home to discuss an urgent matter. He wants you there by night.. at the latest."

"Alright then. This better be important." He makes his way to a carriage and starts his journey to the Scott mansion. Earlier in the morning, around dawn, Elissi makes her way out of the king's residence before anyone wakes up. She talks to the coachman, telling him to take her home.


"Yes, Your Excellency?"

"Please take me home, immediately."

"Yes, ma'am." As they begin to travel back home, Elissi thinks about Vincent and his possible plans once more. Soon, she finds herself back in the heart of Primrose.

"Home at last." Elissi sighs, her worries washing away, knowing that she will see her love in a matter of minutes. When she steps out of her carriage, her friends run down the steps of her home where they had been waiting. She is greeted with hugs and much love.

"Hello everyone! I'm home. Did you miss me?" She says with a smirk on her face.

"As if. We didn't even notice you were gone." Tallulah says, sarcastically.

"I missed you too, Lu. Come here." She opens her arms, Tallulah breaks her act and runs up to her, hugging her tightly.

"Don't ever leave without telling me, again! I was worried sick."

"I won't, I promise." Everyone laughs at poor Tallulah, she had turned quite pale as she truly was quite distressed from her best friend's sudden trip.

"Okay, good. Let's go inside then, shall we?"

"Yeah, of course. But uhm.. Where's Perseus?"

"We don't know, he just.. disappeared." Meanwhile, Perseus reaches the Scott mansion and is greeted with anything but joy.

"Perseus.. Come inside, we have much to discuss." Phillip says, in a most serious tone. He walks in and they make their way to the study where a large stack of papers are placed.

"What is all of this?" Perseus asks Philipp.

"Your paperwork. Your deeds. Your vows."

"My vows? Whatever do you mean?" Philipp goes through some of the papers and finds a select few. He hands them to Perseus.

"Perseus Andrews... Scott... marriage... war... truce..."

"I'd hoped you would take this with your mind clear of that no good mistress. But it seems as though you've been hypnotized by her. You've left me no choice."

"She isn't a no good mistress. But I don't understand. What do you mean by that?"

"You must marry the Princess Genevieve, otherwise it will mean war. This marriage has been planned since you came to us when you were just a young lad."

"I was twelve.. And you put me into your work for advantage? This is absurd."

"Oh, don't give me that tone, mister. You were the one who sought out for me for revenge on your father."

"That may be true, but I wanted nothing more than to be accepted by someone, by you. And now you've gone and done this?"

"I'm sorry Perseus. But it's for the good of our people. War will break out if you do not marry Genevieve."

"What if I talk to them? Tell them that we can still have a truce without marriage?" He thought of how Elissi had done just that with Prince Vincent. He is hopeful that Princess Genevieve and her father will do him justice and let him off the hook.

"If you are able to do such a thing, then you may be on your way. You may marry Princess Elissi and you may marry for love. There will still be great advantages for us either way. But, we must remain in truce. This contract is the only thing bonding our kingdoms. Now go."

"Yes, sir." He leaves, wondering how this will go.

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