Part Five

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Everyone is quiet for a few seconds, and the doctor repeats, "Family for Jeon Jungkook?"

Then once again, Jin and the short blonde answer.

The blonde then angrily says, "Excuse me! I don't know who you are or what you're doing here, but I need to find out what is happening with my husband! So I'd appreciate it if you kindly step away."

Jin felt like someone splashed cold water on his face.

"What did you say? Did you say Husband?" Jin asked.

The blonde then says, "Yes!" And turns his attention back to the doctor.

Just then the door opens again and they see Dr. Kim walk out. He is surprised to see Jin there and he is then called by the short blonde.

"Tae, how is Yunmin?"

"He's going to be fine, but he has a fracture in his leg."

Jin drowns out what they're saying and looks at the other doctor. Then at Yoongi who is looking just as confused.

"Doctor, how is my husband? I am Jeon Seokjin."

That catches the blondes attention and he grabs him by his arm and turns him back to face him.

"What the hell did you just say?!" He asked angrily.

He was holding onto Jin's shoulder roughly, so Yoongi shoved his hand away from him.

"Don't fucking touch him! And I think you heard him the first time. He is married to Jeon Jungkook. Obviously there's some sketchy shit going on." Yoongi yells out just as angry.

The first doctor shakes his head and says, "Look, I don't know what is going on. But I just wanted to let his family know, whoever they are. That he is out of surgery. He has a deep gash across his arm where the glass and metal cut into him.

He will probably be under for a few hours. So if you want, you can wait or go home. But everything else, y'all can settle it between yourselves." He then walks away and down the hall.

Tae walks over to Jin and asks, "Jin? What are you saying? That Jeon Jungkook is your husband?"

Jin looks up and a stray tear falls down.

He then whispers, "Yes."

"Bullshit! Tae! Do you know this asshole?!" The blonde yells.

He was walking towards Jin with a raised hand and Yoongi stepped in front of him.

"I know you weren't planning on hitting my friend. Why don't you back the fuck up and try to find out what the fuck is going on?"

The blonde looks at Yoongi and they stare each other down.

"Appa, what is going on?" The little boy asks.

Tae is still trying to make heads or tails out of the situation and gently leads Jin to follow him. Once they're far enough away, he places both his hands on his shoulders and looks into his eyes.

"Jin, I don't understand how that could be possible. Jeon Jungkook is married to my best friend. I was at their wedding almost 10 years ago."

Jin shook his head in disbelief.

"10 years? B-but.. we got married almost 3 years ago. I don't understand."

Yoongi walked over to them and asked Tae, "So you're saying that Jungkook has been married for almost 10 fucking years? And has kids with his first husband?"

"Y-yes, three boys."

Jin breaks down and starts to cry, so Yoongi pulls him into his shoulder while carrying the baby in his other arm.

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