chapter 5

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Your pov:
I woke up bright and early my sleeping time was getting shorter and shorter. I put on a grey skirt a white long sleeves top I had on white tights and grey boots. I picked up my phone. " hey baby" I answered the phone. " hey Y/n when are we going to see your new house. " " we can go now or later whatever works" I don't know they could have pack things. " now works best." He grumbled." You alright baby" " yeah Y/n" he said. His morning voice was always funny cause of how gruff his voice was." Alright I'll be you" " alright bye." The call ended and my heartbroke with it.

I remember when he said he cared and said " I'll never stop loving you not ever for your the apple of my eye so everytime I say goodbye I'll added. Apple of my eye" and he did but recently he threw it out the window into traffic where it was ran over and then set ablaze. I miss the old Jake the one that would hold my hand even when I didn't want him to or kiss me randomly making me chase after him. Laughter. Joy. Happiness guess it's true nothing last forever. I walked out my house and drove to Forks. I grabbed a drank. I then proceeded to get Jake. His pack mate Seth wanted to join so we let him. " where are you going." Seth asked. " my paid house." I hit a tight corner. Then we were here. They looked memorized by my house. I opened the door pulling them inside and started to show them around. " and that's it. " I said. " what's in these boxes." I looked and that was the box with the magic stuff. " hey stay out of my underwear box." He backed up at my remark. " I'm sorry." He blushed. I shook my head and picked the box up " it's fine." I said and lifting it with next to no strain. I put it in my personal room. I walked down to hear " God I love her." I felt my heart light up. He had that look I noticed he does when he thinks of me. Maybe he's just having a rough day. I made my way down. He walked out. " we have training. " " mind if I make food and come with you." Seth's lit up at food. " oh bounding time can you make treats. " I nodded. I drained the animal blood into water bottles. I cooked food packing it and then making treats taking only like 45 minutes. " we got to go are you d-" he looked amazed at the bag I had. " yeah let's go. He shifted I got on his back and we arrived. I hoped off. Everyone looked confused. " hi this is Y/n " Edward introduced me. I waved. Roasile looked me up and down I offered to shake hands. Edward had shared what their names were. Emmett went to give me a hug abd I returned it. He let go. " that's so considerate." He said. " your training call it a pre thank you." I said I went and sat by Bella. " hey Bella" " hi Y/n " she said. " I have uno, cards, food, of and books." She shook her head. " I'm just going to watch." I nodded and took out my book and started drawing. I memorized the fighting styles. A piece of wood went for Bella. I stabbed it sending the blade and huge piece of wood to the tree. They froze. " what?" " Sam asked whered you learn how to use a knife." " my dad tought me" the physical way the bastard.  " he wants to see what all you can do." Edward said. " alright how we going to do this just know if you want food you shouldn't say anything Rude Sam." I said Sam went somewhere and came back. He was in his human form. I wrapped my hands. He laughed. I raised my hands. Analysis then strike simple. " begin" he through a punch I dodged and hit a presser point. He threw kicks and punches but I touch a different pressure he went to shift but couldn't and it showed. My knee connected to him as my first actual attack. He kneeled. I held the knife to his neck. He flipped me. I let myself roll completely. " what did your dad not teach you anything but dodging and knives." I dodged. " maybe you should stop y/n you remember what happens when you lose your temper." " oh you need a man to save you I would hsve never guessed. Your just weak. Broken. Useless. Not worthy of your family fourtune." It was merging. I breathed I fought well and I wouldn't snap I told myself. I kicked him down. He pulled me with him. " a slut." He said. I went numb. Jake came and got me. " Jake I don't want to hurt you put me down." I said slowly and happily. " you can't do that." " fine " I said. He let me down. I kicked Sam in the middle of the chest sending him flying. " Y/n " Jacob said.

Edward's pov:
' God she never listens' Jacob thought. " he's fine" she said " yeah fine, he's unconscious." Jacob said " actually he's conscious just can't move. " she said. " God Y/n you can't just go and snap. The last time you almsot killed all of those people." We all paid attention. " so I'm not allowed to be angry." She said. Jasper looked to be thankful. ' she has good control over her emotions.' He thought. " that wasn't my fault they tried to do things to me." " like what insult you." " you don't listen. Ugh know what Jacob don't bother. Don't bother I'll be gone out of your hair. You'll have to figure yourself out." She said she grabbed her bag. " Y/n it isn't like that he's my pack mate the alpha you just paralyzed him." Jacob said going after she messed with something then threw it at Jacob.

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