chapter 10

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Back with you two.
Edward's pov:
A bed was here. I wanted to bring Bella but okay. Y/n went and laid down her wings sprinkling fairydust. I laid down before I just passed out for the first time in to long I had a dream and I was asleep. I was actually asleep. I woke up to screaming and yelling. I loomed around. Y/n, I shot up. Her wings were shedding again Carlise said it happens about 5 times till it's once a month. I picked her up and she clung to me. I let my hand rest on her back. Her blood starting to come through. I went down and started to suck at the blood. She screamed in pain I think. I smelled more blood. Oh no, being supernatrual and having human parts don't exactly work. I was struggling to stop. Something in me wanted my body to be connected in someway at all times. I managed to stop. She still screamed. Her blood stsrted again. I drunk it all up. I am addicted she tried to move but couldn't I held her in place. I craved it. Not a drug no a personal addiction something I did to myself. She screamed and grabbed my hair. Her blood spiked and became even better as it slid down my throat I drunk more. Until I heard a deathly scream and the windows shattered. Animals dropped dead outside. I stopped. I wanted to leave her alone but my body wanted more. " i need pain killers before you do stuff like that." She said. I picked her up and she bit my arm hard. I froze her boob was against my arm. I put her in the bathroom. I slid a hoodie under the door. I gave her a pair of my boxers. She tapped the floor. She gave me a tissue saying ' period 'I groaned and went and got her tampons and pads. I don't even want to know how tampons work. She took the pad and then came out. She grabbed the cover and laid back down. " are you mad at me." I asked " no I'm hungry but I don't want to gain wieght." She said. I got some good food. " food " she came from under the covers. She ate all of it quickly. She was a mystery in many other mysteries. She went to get back under the covers but as it was 3 in the morning. I needed to feed on animal blood. " I'm getting animal blood be safe." She nodded. I managed to get a bear. I headed back. Y/n was moving around. Something cme through the window. It reached really slowly to Y/n. I grabbbed her and some clothes along with food. I caried er and put her into the car. Her hair glowed as it turned white. She shot up. " water" she said. I handed her some she drunk some and put some around her eyes. " what was that thing " she looked at me as she shook. " it's a reaper you shouldn't have stopped it." She said. A vampire was running alomg side the car. I reached La Push. I helped Y/n who was having a break down. We went about halfway to inside. When Alice was out Paul was out even faster. Paul growled at me and tried to take Y/n. " you might want to not anger her." I said my hand covering her mouth. " move." I heard from Jacob. " what is that." I turned and saw the creature with blood covered clothes and a sinister smirk. " give. Me. The. Girl." It said and a black smoke came from a floating Y/n. Appeared a man " leave her alone" the eldest man said " she's a abomination you and I both know it. She isn't allowed to exist." " she's my daughter." " you have broken every rule in our world." This was her father they removed their cloaks. The blood covered one was a young male. Y/n's wing were visible but the shape was changing. " let me kill the abomination." " like hell you'll kill her." Paul and Alice said at the same time. " if she completes this she'll be the most dangerous thing in and out of the world. " " we don't care you can't have her." Jacob said. " unless she's a royal the queen to be more exact she isn't allowed to live." Y/n started to move to the water. She dropped. " no she can't die like that." The blood covered male said. I dove in and tried to find her. She was drowning. She was unconscious. Until her hair glowed the gorgeous white it does. She breathed in the water. I dive deeper and grab her. I swim back to shore. The blood covered male fell to his knees screaming. Y/n choked water up. The wind picked up it swirled around me and Y/n as I was holding her. She lifted out of my arms and I couldn't move. Her clothes fell off. I closed my eyes. I felt a warmth and opened my eyes. Y/n was in my arms. I felt a stinging on my back. The air dome cleared. The blood covered male looked shocked. Y/n groaned as she sat up. I let her down and my body ached as I did.

Your pov:
I managed to stand. A blood colored cloak wearing man looked at me and bowed. " my queen." I felt my head ache at the mere sentance. What was my dad doing here. " baby, are you alright " I heard Jake " yeah just huge headache." I said. " my queen, we got to find your connect, and plan your introduction." I felt obligated to go with the male. I felt arms wrap around my waist. " your not taking my girlfriend." The male glared " she's my queen and last time I checked she is unconnected. " " uhm.... I kinda want to go Jake." I said " Jonathan my queen and see she wants to go and be responsible." " baby, you can't go I just got you back." I let him hug me. " but this seems important. " I said. " okay I can go with." " only our kind can. " Jonathan said. " baby please this seems really important." He held up the ring I got it was a promise ring with a sun and moon he got the moon. He then said " make your choice." I looked between the two. I cupped some water. Refreshing my nerves. " I-I choose me." I said. Jacob was confused. " who are you choosing " " Jonathan." I said Jacob growled. He handed me the ring. I knew this would happen. This ment we were over.

Edward's pov:
Oh how I do so hate you Jacob Black ( I actually don't hate him but for the sake of the story) you promise to wait for Bella but not Y/n your girlfriend. " bye Black" " bye l/n" they said coldly. What just happened. She slipped a ring on. A promise ring? Roasile was livid. ' this mutt. I'm going to kill Bella.' Suprinsigly enough Alice was beyond livid ' you bastard lying cheater traitor. Bella you deserve to ugh be dead Aro should have killed you.' Carlisle and Esme were more sane but still ' this is unfortunate I was hoping she ended up with Edward.' Esme thought wow for Esme to choose a side it says something. Everything in me ached when the two hugged. Paul looked ready to break down Seth looked guilty. Leah looked annoyed more at Jacob tho. Y/n tossed me a box. I caught it 'congratulations 'it said why I have no idea. It had dust inside. Along with a note. She went a portal appeared. She stepped to it. Her dad was long gone. She stepped foot her outfit changed. It was pure white and gorgeous.( below)

With shoes to match ( below)

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With shoes to match ( below)

With shoes to match ( below)

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They looked uncomfortable.

Your pov:
I stepped through and a flower crown that was a actual crown. Was on my head. I felt a pull to turn and run back but not to Jacob. I'm terrible cause, I fell in love with Edward Cullen.

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