Chapter 9

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your pov:

I got up and ate the food. " this is good" I shared. " I'm going to take a shower feel free to take a blood bag. " I felt my wings ach " already annoyed with these wings." he laughed. I started to bleed. He looked at the blood like it was a life savor in every drop. I was flipped to the wall. My top moved I cover my breast. His hand was on my hip he licked the blood like it was the best meal, I doubt it but okay. " is this okay, your supposed to be vegan" I felt his tounge glide past my wing the cold sending a shiver of coldness up my spine. He finished " it's probably not but it taste so good." he stopped himself " sorry you probably don't want to know." " I mean okay cause you have a girlfriend." he thought for a minute " I don't actually know" he said " then should you ask her " I asked " yeah I'll ask her and until then none of your blood." I went and got in the shower.

Edward's pov:

Y/n you make it so hard to not kiss you. Your strong, brave, and beautiful. Bella is starting to make me doubt. She doesn't pick up her phone, talk to me as much, talk about a future together. Distant is what she has become. Y/n's phone rang " hey y/n, I got the day off want to hang out." I heard Jacob say " I got plans Jacob." " oh come on you never hang out with people you make plans with twice. " " Jake you always say I need friends so I'm trying to make some" " who is it anyway" " Edward Cullen since he is my neighbor we decided to become friends." " your going to hang out with him, are you cheating on me with the leech." " no I wa-" " my enemy and your trying to be friends. Are you stupid he is probably using you." he spat " he seems nice and so does his family." she defended " oh I forgot your in need of something to be clingy to along with childish." " bye " She said " do-" she hung up. She came out in blue jeans a grey hoodie and some sneakers. Her hair done. " sorry about Jake he is possessive at times." " it's fine I know he hates me. " " so what do you want to do." " we can go skating." she nodded. she grabbed a small purse. We got in my car. We went to that cafe. " hey why are you drinking it like that." I asked as she had like half the straw in her mouth. " cause the warmth mixed with the coldness is amazing. " She said. She seemed super relaxed " well on the mountain after the fight with Victoria I wanted to tell you but was trying to give your boyfriend the chance to do so first he and Bella kissed and when Bella broke her hand Jacob had kissed her." I shared.

your pov:

I wanted to cry " come on lets go to the skating ring, thanks for telling me" I said. He looked truly sorry for me. We skated for a while. I saw Jacob and Bella holding hands. Me and Edward got in his car. He drove away from Fork with speed. He gripped the steering wheel tightly. We reach a nice house. He opened the door and picked me up bridal style. He opened the font door. " it's gorgeous." I said. " thank you." He said. He put me down in the kitchen grabbing a blood bag. After he finished it was late. " want to order take out" " yes!!! Pea Kings" I said he nodded and ordered me some more then I would need. " your extremely light." he said.

With the pack , Cullen's, and Bella author's pov:

They were freaking out. They had band together. " where could they be." Jacob asked yanking at his hair. " no clue but I know for a fact it's your fault" Paul said he had came to view you as his sister. " what do you mean" the Cullen's asked " got a gut feeling something went down between a few weeks and today." Alice was worried for her first fairy friend. " what do you mean." Jacob asked " you know what he means" Seth said sitting in the corner looking at the wall like he did something bad. To him he did. " maybe " Carlisle said to his family. " what if she gets hurt." "she couldn't have been taken." Rosaile stated " what do you mean she's human" Bella asked " what are you even talking about." Emmett asked. " actually what are you all talking about" " y/n is supernatural" Jasper said. " she didn't say anything about being supernatural" Jacob countered. " maybe if you would just fess up to whatever you did we would know why." " your still on this " " yes , and better yet lets connect a piece we are overlooking she's probably with your lost Edward." " doubt it" Bella said " me too" " not for a second I mean he was at her place like just yesterday." Seth said. " wouldn't be surprised, she tends to seek the best in people" Paul said " I for one think she's with Edward as well." Emily added. " why?" Sam asked " cause when I saw her at the store and she was moving stuff from her home I saw Edward helping." " what are you assuming." Quil asked " nothing but they could have went outside of town and slept at a hotel." Emily said. " or she could be cheating" Sam asked. Jasper and Emmett had to hold Alice back. Carlisle held Rosaile " Edward isn't like that" Rosaile said. " Y/n is the nicest person I have ever met she wouldn't do that." Alice growled out. " if anything it would be Jacob who has been chasing Bella." Paul threw in. In this case Paul was on team y/n. " what the hell man, I thought we didn't agree with leeches." " well if someone's going after Y/n the same girl who came and cheered me up and bonded with me and I see as a sister I don't care what species I ain't going to let that go unchecked. " Paul said having better control on his temper mainly because of you.

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