chapter 11

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Your pov:
I was in awe this place looked so dead. I ran my hand on the floor tree's came to life and I smiled. Jonathan walked me to a palace one side looked pure evil and dead the other was grey. I ran to the grey side. I felt a strong tie to it. The palace lit up as I did a sparkling oasis of life. I walkdd in Jonathan seemed so happy. I watched the stone statues turn to people. I waved my dress had grown a long vail like back. My hair was free and curly as it was white. They cheered

Edward's pov:
It was fairy dust. Gives me glimpses of the future or can make me sleep. I'm a idiot for I have fell in live with Y/n. The same girl who is not supposed to exist. Bella clung to me tightly acting scared. I breathed in a tad bit of dust.

Edward's glimpse:
Y/n I think was in a field with a little girl. She and the little girl were tackled. I wanted to know who but I only saw myself we laughed. The sun peaked down onto us. I sparkled the child sparkled to but Y/n she didn't she just looked gorgeous. " daddy, it's so nice here " the little girl said. Then the other me said " I know." The other me said. Then a skip and the little girl was older. She smiled at me. " dad, you got to come meet my boyfriend. Mom says he's sweet." " where is your mom anyway." Y/n walked in and had a purple dress on. The little girl then dragged me well the other me to see a boy he looked like Seth. They kissed " this is my boyfriend Seth Clearwater." I choked. Both mes did. " they already know me." Seth said. " anyway mom me and Seth have a date. Buh bye." The other me was stunned. Y/n started to bleed periods. I picked her up then laid her down the other me of course and he removed her clothes I swear I heard a groan. Why would this be the future. " baby I love you for infinity." " I love you for longer." Y/n said back. She is to gorgeous.

End of vision

I was shocked. Everyone looked intrested " what did you see" " nothing to big " I said. " liar you had a shocked expression now spill." Alice said we had made our way back home. " just my future. And something invoving Seth." I said. " ooo did you see his inprint." " yeah" I said. They seemed so intrested ' you know maybe you should tell at least me you got how do I put it sexually attracted to something.' I heard." No" I want Y/n to come back she would probably want to play a board game or something.

Your pov:
I already miss Edward.

Timeskip to after Vladimir and Stefan have arived but before everyone agrees to fight for them

I walked through the woods not much has changed I see. I don't think they'll recognize me. I walked in my black combat boots with black skinny jeans that had rips. A white tank top and a leather jacket. A little girl ran into me. I picked her up. " what are you doing out this far little one." " I was hungry." I saw her fangs. " alright. Come on I'll fly you back little vamp." I said. She giggled. " what's your name." I said removing my leather jacket. " Renessme " " I think that's a really pretty name" I let my wings out they were a ombre from blue to purple blue at the base to purple at the tip. They looked like glass made wings. She had a look of amazement. We looked in each others eyes and I knew I had to protect her. " hold on tight." I flew doing a few tricks I let her fall through some clouds and she screamed with enjoyment. I laughed as I cought her. I landed at the Cullen's. They all growled at me. I shielded the child with my wings. " give me my child." " that's your mom?" I asked. " yep" Renessme said. I opened my wings. Bella snatched her away checking her for brusies. " are you alright why were you screaming. " " we were just playing" I said. " who are you" Emmett growled. " relax." I said. " she could have been seriously hurt." A female touched me. She looked shocked. " well hello to you to." I said and shook her hand. " how " " what?" I asked. Edward was back along with Jacob. He ran and hugged Renessme. " are you alright." " a okay she's really nice she flew me back here." Renessme said. Edward was frozen " daddy, are you alright" Renessme asked it hurt a little to know he had a child by Bella but what do you expect I left. " how?" He asked looking at me. I put my hands in my back pocket. " long story just a quick check up nothing special." " you know each other. " I laughed at how Rosalie forgot me well didn't recognize me. " I have to ask will you stand with us." " why what's going on." I asked. Picking Renessme who had snuck back over to me up. " a misunderstanding." Edward filled in. " call it a favor plus this little one seems to not get out much." I said taking her off my shoulders. " can we go for a fly." I looked at her " don't encourage her." Jacob said. " oh she's harmless." Edward said with a laugh. " she can fly" " if she wanted to she could have killed all of us. " I hit him with a feather. My wings developed feathers. It connected back. " well thanks " he said. " hey don't hit him" Renessme said " alright only cause you said so." I said. A portel opened. And Jonathan stepped out. " why are you back." " to collect something. Wrong location." He said. Me and Renessme snuck off. " so want to learn how to use a syethe?"

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