chapter 6

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house is the picture above

Edward's pov:
He looked at it like it was the most heartbreaking thing every to exist. She walked " you don't mean it, do you" she just walked. He looked broken and confused. Sam then thought 'get y/n I need something from her.' " Y/n come on walking in the woods alone at this hour isn't safe." Seth said. " I'm fine." She kept moving. " Sam needs something " Paul said. " what is it." " I need food." Her angry expression that was barely noticeable completely faded. She fed Sam then left the food and blood for us leaving. Jacob shook with anger. We heard screaming. The pack stepped back.

Your pov:
I heard screaming I turned. I ran Sam can't protect himself and nor can Bella. None of them knew how to deal with them. I let my chains wrap around the necks pulling hard. The heads flew off. The chains made the heart go splat. I set these things on fire. The female was non other then my very own mother. I picked her up and went to her home laying her there. My room was completely empty I was happy I noticed one picture the one picture I couldn't seem to harm. It was my family, the one I wish I had. My dad had me on his shoulders I had the biggest smile in the world my brother was smushed into dad by mom we were all so happy but that's because I was threatened that day if I didn't look like I was the happiest child in the world I would get a severe beating. It still made me angry but I will never see them like this again so I took the picture then I got gone. I went home. I got a call from Jake " hello" I said " y/n are you alright he" asked panicked " yeah why" " we- I heard a scream your not in anyway hurt right. " " Jacob I'm fine" "can we please talk" I breathed " sure" I could feel a smile through the phone " alright I'll be there in a minute by- apple of my eye" he said then hung up it brought a smile to my face. 

time skip to after the fight

I can't wait to celebrate with Jake. He said we could go and hang at our old treehouse when I got back. I had to leave Forks to collect somethings. I waited for him to call. He didn't not in the morning not at lunch. He didn't answer when I called. I was crying when I heard my phone, I quickly picked it up. " hey, j-" " hey y/n happy birthday " I heard my dad say in his evil tone " thanks" I spoke with a extremely down tone " your of legal age to work at a strip club congrats." he and my brother said " be sure to flirt with everyone if you do" my brother said with a laugh the call ended then another " hey, J-" " happy birthday my babygirl" I heard my mom " thanks" " make a name for yourself, show them whos boss" " thanks" the call ended I waited for a while. I decided to go see Jake only to hear I love you and I love you more from the wall. Paul was near by, I stormed off he followed. " y/n come back I'm sure he means in a friendship kinda way." Paul and me had grown closer but not to where I trust him. I crossed the boarder and he stomped. I walked to my house got on my motorcycle and drove to that shop." maybe I am over reacting." I said on my way there.

weeks had gone by and it was official he forgot my birthday. I walked to his house to see Bella and him faces inch's apart like they were going to kiss or just had kissed. My eyes swelled and I stumbled away. I laid in my bed. I heard a tap. I fixed my face putting on my best smile. I opened the door " hello" I said " hi y/n we wanted to check out your house it's really pretty." I heard from Alice. I moved aside the house shifted as it does when monitoring guest. " whoa it's kinda creepy" Emmett said I raised a eyebrow and shook my head. I turned on the light " I was in my room" I shared. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed me a snack. I went back to the living room. " any room but my room and that room over there are open." I said they spread out. Edward gave me a look of empathy I guess. Jasper walked over. " do you have any blood it's just I remember you brought some at training." " oh yeah come on" he followed I opened the secret hatch. " pick what you want" he looked in awe. He choose lions blood. " why do you have animal blood." " cause you guys live near by." I answered. " that's considerate." " I try" I shared. Jasper seemed really cool to be honest. " hey what's in that room" " oh nothing just my extremely messy library"  he laughed. We talked some more. " oh where did you get that it smells different." Emmett asked like a child. " y/n gave it to me." he answered" oh can I get some I want to try peacock." I nodded and went and got him some. He drunk some and then said " huum this is pretty good." They all met up in the living room. " can we see your library." " it's messy but okay." I walked and opened the door. They gapped at the size " amazing probably a billion books in here. " Carlise said " actually 1,234,871 books in counting" and without my secret library. " amazing it's lovely." Esme said " I actually don't hate you " Rosalie said. " but yep that's my house." " where are your parents they must have a extremely successful job."    " I live alone actually." they seemed a bit shocked. I felt my sweet senses tingling I dashed grabbing my cupcakes " perfect" I said as I ate one. " I see you like sweets" I swallowed " I do enjoy them" I responded. My phone rang. I ignored it " what if that was important " no I actually have specialized ringtones for contacts it was a random number." I said. It was Jacob. " alright we will be leaving you've been so friendly, sleep well dear" Esme said. " alright goodbye" I closed the doors. I heard a window open and closed I was pinned to a wall. Someone licked where I had been bleeding on my neck. I shoved them off. It was Edward. " you taste heavenly" he said his eyes being a dead give away he was hungry. " I managed to reach the kitchen. I grabbed a bagged and shoved it in his mouth. The position awkward. " I apologize it's just you smell so good. " he said " thanks I guess."

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