🦉tail 🦉

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- No witch pov 🧙🏻‍♀️
Couple days later at the owl house nothing is never the same or normal
Eda " luz come on bath time "
Luz " but it hurts "
Eda come closer to luz bed . She sat at the end and look at luz in pain .
Eda " your ears or what "
Luz " tail "
Eda " what it came in like your ears already oh my , let still let you have a bath ok you need it you been in bed almost a week and you stink "
Eda finally help luz out bed and lead her to the bathroom , Eda walk behind her to see the tail hanging down . After luz bath and had clean clothes on , eda help her down stairs .
Eda " now sit please right here "  saying while putting luz in a chair and hand her beanie back , while luz was hiding her ears Lilith came out from her room . Lilith saw wet and clean luz on the couch .
Lilith " some little human out the bed "
Eda " sister be nice she in pain right now "
Eda went to kitchen and came back with soup , luz eat slowly but stop a bit by the pain of her tail . Eda pulled Lilith to the side to talk .
Eda " I wish I can help her she been in pain for couple days now and the full moon is soon "
Lilith " we still powerless sister , who coming today to visit her ?"
Eda " amity she the only one that been coming over after working "
Later amity visit luz that was in her room with her beanie off and her ears showing .
Amity " hey hon you have your ears out "
Luz " Eda want me get used them , and she say I can't hear with my beanie covering them "
Amity put her bag near the bed and sit next to luz , luz yap .
Amity " luz what wrong "
Luz " you on the tail " she said in pain .
Amity " you have your tail!!!, when you was going to tell me "
Amity stay with luz till she had to go home , she kiss luz and went off .

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