🦉 the truth 🦉

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- no witches pov 🧙‍♀️
It was the night time , amity was on her side of the bed reading her book and Luz ... luz was itching her wolf ears . Amity put her book down and look at luz .
Amity " I know I know you not used to hiding your wolf side from your mom but you have to just this week "
Luz " amity "
Camilla walk by the door and stop to hear luz talking .
Luz " I have to , I promise her no more secrets  when I was trying to build a portal 14 year old me was "
Camilla hear that and smile she walk to the guest room in the owl house and get her self ready for bed .
~ morning ~
Amity was sitting up in bed rubbing luz wolf ears when she was still asleep , amity look at the time Saturday 8:00am, amity got up and put her purple and brown hair in a messy bun , she walk down stairs in her pjs and start to make everyone breakfast. Camilla was the first one to come to the kitchen.Camilla look around the kitchen for luz .
Camilla " where luz and the others "
Amity " Eda , king ,and Lilith be up in two mins and luz wakes up till I finish cooking she like to sleep till breakfast is ready "
Camilla " you do this every weekend or what "
Amity " we take turns  it  easy  that way "
After breakfast was cook and everyone was down stairs sitting down , luz came down without her necklace on them Chaos broke out , after breakfast Spanish fighting was heard from the living room . Finally luz walk out and then Camilla .
Camilla " why you got curse who curse you and how do you reverse this "
Luz sigh and rub her ears " well Eda trying and Lilith is to but to answer that we haven't found one and I know who did it . It was the curser  but mom I'm fine I'm controlling it amity I going to get married "
Luz grab her mother hand and smile , Camilla smile back with tears in her eyes with joy .
Camilla " I trust you on this ok "

Hello readers , I'm going to take a two week upload break , last week I didn't do a new chapter because family issues but I'm sure to make couple of chapters during this break ~ meow 🐱

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