🦉 camping 🦉

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- no witches POV ✨
In the middle of the night luz woke up from a noise outside she growled low so she won't wake up amity , luz careful got up and get out the tent . Luz growled more and then seen the shadow of the beast . At this time amity woke up when she heard luz barking she hurry out the tent and saw luz fighting the beast but soon lost but the beast run off in the woods .
Amity " luz luz speak and look at me "
Luz " ahh I'm fine , it hurt me in the ribs but viney will fix me up "
Amity " we going home now ok you need help honey "
Luz " noooooo carry me back to the tent you and I post to stay all night "
Amity " oh ok but in the morning we leaving  and  call viney  to help you "
~ in the morning ~
Amity was busy while luz lay near the tree in pain , amity magic wrap up the tent and put it back in the bookbag .
Amity " ready go luz or bathroom first "
Luz " bathroom please "
Amity pick up in pain luz and help her walk on her back legs to the brush , luz did her business and then amity carry her back to the burnt out fireplace , while amity put on the backpack and then pick up luz .
- 1 hour later
amity was walk for one hour , which the path does take 30 minutes to and from the owl house but when you carry your wolf soon to be wife it kinda take the full hour . Eda was outside waiting for amity , she help carry sleeping hurt luz to her pin and sat her down .
Eda " I call viney , you unpack everything "
Amity rush upstairs and so some unpacking , Eda wacth luz in the pen try to Stand up but it was no luck on her end . 15 minutes later viney flow in and rush to luz  , amity was in the living room with luz and Eda was making dinner .
Viney " can you tell me what happen amity "
Amity " we was just camping and then luz was fighting this thing last night and it throw her into a tree "
Viney never seen amity tear up so bad over something , amity in high school was a brave witch that was saving luz from the bullies but now the purple cotton candy hair woman is now crying . Eda saw it that amity was crying and went over and hug her .
Viney heal the outside of luz  and then give amity something for her to wear to get her rib cage is heal  , viney then give luz a treat .
Viney " no transform luz for a couple weeks that cast around will help if you wear your vest , also you have to get help standing for the bathroom just so your bones be healing "
Amity smile and rub luz on the head , she stand up and dust the hair off her dress .
Amity " thanks for coming and helping luz "
Viney " your welcome I come back in a month or so to check her rib cage "
Amity " I make sure you on the guest list for the wedding "
Viney " can't wait for the wedding your sister can't as well "
Viney left and then it was quite in the owl house for once , king was asleep on Lilith that was asleep on the couch , Eda was in the kitchen cooking the dinner and amity was laying down next to luz .
Hello the owl house fans , I'm going put this book on a week hatius because I start school and I don't want that to interfere with this book plus it take me a week to write a strong chapter ok byyyyyyyeeeeee

(Hello the owl house fans , I'm going put this book on a week hatius because I start school and I don't want that to interfere with this book plus it take me a week to write a strong chapter ok byyyyyyyeeeeee

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