🦉🩴 visting camilla 🩴🦉

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- Amity POV 💜
It been two weeks since luz got hurt I help her when I'm home from work so Eda can cook dinner and relax some and Lilith can chat with HOOTY .
Amity " hey babe you want me go see your mom and bond with her and with out you "
Luz nodded and then yawn " go she needs an bonding time with you she will talk your ears off "
I hold my ears and then luz laugh and then I started laughing , I stand up and shake the dog hair off my black dress .
Eda " go and pack for the human realm amity and pro tip put one of luz bennies on in the human realm we don't want to scare them "
Amity " all right I will have it off in Camilla house "
I kiss luz on the nose and then run upstairs and start packing for the human realm I just hope luz be ok . I came back down to the living room to the portal door , I was wearing my pink dress and a white Bennie to hid my ears , I say my good byes and went through the portal door .
To be continued ....

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