🩴 a day out 🩴

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~ Amity POV 💜
I got dress for the day , today I'm wearing a dress that luz pick out after her claws rip my other one . I put my hair in a ponytail and then went down stairs for breakfast .vee was sitting at the table eating pancakes , Camilla was in her work outfit , luz told me she was a veterinarian it was like the beast coven and the healing coven it like what viney does .
Camilla " good morning amity , slept well in luz bed "
Amity " yes I did slept very well "
Camilla " well you girls fill up I got to go to work , vee I promise I stop and get something to eat don't worry "
I watch Camilla walk to the door and then left to her four wheel staff , I grab a plate of pancakes then sit across from vee .
Vee " today I'm showing you around the town so eat and then we go , oh do you have ..."
Amity " I have something to cover my ears "
Vee " great becouse  this town knows  a witch with a devils tail toke two brothers to her world "
Amity " two brothers , but all we know is Philip "
~ time skip ~
Vee hand me some money to get something to take home , we went in many stores every a pet one . I pick out a toy for luz so she can chew on. Vee thief take me to coffee shop where we sip on our coffee .
Vee " I think I show you most the town but the fair that happens every summer "
Amity " we can do that tomorrow if you want that way we have something to do then sit around "
~ big time skip ~
It was now night time in the human realm , I was on luz bed reading a book she was puppy dog eyeing for me to read .I stop reading when I felt a buzz in my pocket , I reach for my scroll and pulled it out .
Amity : how was the day ?
The owl lady  : it was fine luz is going keep us up all night because she got a new toy today
Amity  : let me guess a new squeak toy  , don't worry that be broke by the time I get home  she chews on one at night and it breaks in a week 
I didn't want to tell her I got another one today when I was in town today , I giggles some just thinking about .
The owl lady  : thanks amity :)

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