🦉 before the wedding 🤵🏽‍♀️👰🏼‍♀️🦉

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~ Amity pov ~
I was in the dressing room with my friends luz was on the other side of the church getting dressed with Eda . I smooth the white silk dress making sure there no bumps of dust , this was my mother dress , wear my diamonds earrings, and for not luz turn,  Im not wearing that much shinning shoes .
Willow " you doing ok "
Amity " I'm fine "
Willow wrap my long wash out purple hair around the curling wand , I have let my hair grew out for this day .

~ luz pov ~
I was in a panic ! I had dreams about marrying my little witch since we started dating , with me turning in a wolf and all everything got set back to today but it gave me and amity more time to find everything we needed .
Eda " words luz no barking "
Luz " ouch do I need a check up now viney "
Viney look at me pulling the shot away from me and put in the tray .
Viney " it your rabies shots I don't want to a lot of the guest hurt today , basically the whole school is here and I don't want that "
My suit is made look big but it that so I can form in and out without ripping it up .
Luz " I need to itch "
Eda " I got you luz "
Eda keeping me since I got out getting my back fix normal , it still feels like the open me up and take out the spine and replace it with a metal one .
Luz " Eda I'm fine I can itch the ear my ouch self "
Eda " you still healing , remember if you start getting tired standing today you have your walker "
Luz : " I be fine don't worry Eda, Eda I need to used the bathroom hehe "
Eda " go kid ohh dog form it "
Luz " thanksssss "
Eda " no rolling in mud "

~ Eda  pov ~
I wacth luz in the dog gate  , she being not her self lately for two weeks , it not because rp for those two weeks her and amity wasn't aloud to see each other but it was something else . Soon I saw my teenage king run where me and luz was .
King : " luz it almost time "
I hook luz's leash to her collar and guide her back in her room. It almost time soon in a month they be moving in to there own house of course king already ask when he can spend the night there .

To be continued .....

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