28. invasion

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It has been 30 minutes since Naruto defeats Neji.

In the Kage seat, Hiruzen looks at Kazekage who is Kabuto in disguise. Kabuto was feeling calm as he expects that his plans were smooth. What he didn't know that some of the shinobi had prepared for the upcoming invasion.

Mizukage come back from her business and sits beside Raikage "So, who wins"

"It is Uzumaki Naruto"

"Oh that blonde boy"

'That boy is seems like I had seen before but where' Tsucikage thinking about the match before.

"Aren't you impress by your daughter performance Kazekage-sama" Hiruzen asks the fake Kazekage.

"Yes, She is one of the top rookie kunoichi in Suna for not for a reason. After all she manages to defeat a genius of Konoha"

"May I asks what is her age"

"She is 13 Hokage-sama"

"Really, isn't she 15" Kabuto was surprised. He let his guard down in front of one of the God shinobi. 'damn it' he curse in his head.

"Sorry, Hokage-sama. It appears due to my old age. I forget some important things" he said sheepishly.

Hokage smiled and said "are you forgot or you don't"

The tense aura was started to flare in Kage seat. All of the Kage turned Kabuto who is in disguised.

"What do you mean by that, hokage sama." Raikage raised his voice.

"I have a report that Kazekage was an attack during his work in his office. Sadly, I wonder why that doesn't made it in public" Hokage face to stern, he stood up from his seat and looks at the fake Kazekage.

"What do you mean? I don't have any attack during that day" Kabuto in disguised of Kazekage defends himself.

"Then, show us your face" Hiruzen said. All the kage except Kabuto was on Hiruzen side. They all stood up and looks at Kabuto.

Kabuto thinks hardly to get escape from this. All of them will kill him if he didn't do something. With the God of shinobi on their side, he can do nothing.

"Ah, Hokage no wonder they called you The professor for no reason" he jumps outside of the Kage seat and activates his contingency plans by using fire chakra as a signal.

He launches a large fireball that can be seen around Konoha.

Outside of Konoha

"Look that the signal" One of the suna ninja pointed to the signal.

The commander of the invasion team looks at the signal and raised his hand to get attention "The time has come to destroy Konoha to pieces"


all of Suna shinobi move to the Konoha massive wall for the invasion.

Konoha shinobi that guard the wall saw the upcoming massive of shinobi that moves vastly to them.

"They coming get p..." The commander told his comrade. Before the commander shinobi could finish he was hit by the Kunai on his neck made him nothing more than the dead.

"Protect the Konoha" The vice commander shouted. He gives a bit of motivation to his comrades. Before they could do anything a large common snake came into existence and destroys the wall.

Some of the suna shinobi opened their clothes and show they true self that they are actually shinobi from the sound village, Otogakakure. They demonic was proof that they had been modified none other than Kabuto himself.

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