epilogue- for now

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A month has passed, the village is undamaged. Zetsu have disappeared. The people are safe.

Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru and Sakura return to their early teenage form after the battle ended. They lose terribly. Their new enemy is now their friend and Naruto's lover.

Naruto OST-Utsusemi

It was dark night.


There is no moonlight to shine in those darkness.

Sasuke and Sakura in the cafe. Looking at Naruto home from their cafe through window glass that have been placed beside them. The water flow at the window.

Both of them, were quite since they came here worrying about their friend.

"Do you think, he is okay?" Sakura are the one that broke the silence.

"I-I don't know, I never seen, he grieved like that." Sasuke answered. He know Naruto for so long but grieving isn't his type at all except he did once to his fallen sensei. Jiraiya.

"I don't think he will recovered any time soon" the man voice heard by them. Both of them, turned back to see Jiraiya in his adult form sitting beside them. He wearing a same appearances as Jiraiya.

"Who are you? And why you imitate Jiraiya-sama clothes." Sakura asked him annoyed. She didn't have time to prank. Same as Sasuke who gives him a disappoint look.

"It's me Jiraiya. I'm wearing a genjutsu that made my face looks younger and a seal to hold it"

Sasuke and Sakura was surprised to see the man in front of them is Jiraiya. They must admit that Jiraiya have a good looking.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Forgive me" Sakura bowed apologetic.

"I'm forgive you, kid. I didn't mind you at all. Having with your comrades for a long time and then one of them your closest turn against you. I know that feeling it must be hard. But for Naruto it was his lover" Jiraiya looked at Naruto apartment with a sad expression but hopefully. That he will ended his grief.

Naruto is sitting on the sofa in his living room. He holding his hand while looking down while thinking about the battle that ended years ago. His gloomy expression was plastered on his face.

The environment around the room was so quiet except the clock mechanical sounds are the only one that fills the room. That mechanical become become his favourite melody

A girl with red hair wearing a brown apron with a red t-shirt and black pants came into view, holding a mug of tea. She put the hot tea on the table in front of him and sit behind him knowing that he wouldn't mind.

"Drink this, I made the tea for you"

"Thanks, I will drink later." He answered. His voice was cracked. Akira begin to notices his eyes were empty. Once was a light shining in his eyes now gone.

"Hey, just tell me. What has been lingering in your mind? You seem too quiet since that.....day" Akira remembering that day, Where Hinata left them. She didn't dare to talk to anyone about that time especially, Naruto.

"I've been thinking about this whole time. I thought that returns to this timeline with her back by my side. I thought. I could....lives happy. Like those stories happy endings." He answered with his voice crack and tired.

Naruto feels like someone is hugging him from behind. He angles his head a bit enough to see his back. It was Akira who hugged him.

"What are you doing?" He asked tiredly.

"I know you're tired. But you shouldn't think about her every time. It isn't your fault. That thing, that water is the one that makes her be like that and you know that is true." She hugged a bit tightly. She rested her head on his back. Hearing his heartbeat. It's beating calmly.

"I know that, but she won't felt so lonely. If I didn't die that day."

"You know after you died, she didn't blame you for it. Before I went, I always hear she talking about you. Every single time, when I become her jinchuriki. Every single time" Akira recalled her memory. She become bored of how many times Hinata had talked about how powerful he is.

Naruto chuckled. "Yep, that is her"

A door was knocked from outside. Akira and Naruto are alerted by the knocking sound. Akira release her hug from Naruto and opened the door to see Kawaki.

Naruto went to the door to see Kawaki in his confidence. He stopped at one place and looks straight to his eye.

"Why are you coming here, Kawaki" Naruto asked him.

"Naruto, we have found a way to save your wife" Kawaki said.

Naruto become interested. His eyes glow a glint of hope once again. "Tell me, everything you know"

AN: yeah im planning to make a sequel but for now i will finish another of my fanfiction Kitsune (Naruto ANBU Fanfiction).

I maybe will make a scene where Hinata from this world travel to this world to continue this story.

For the sequel, I'm still planning but the world make a bit of change with their technology

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