37. Hinata fight

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In Naruto apartment, Hinata and Kaguya are in the kitchen washing dishes after having dinner. Naruto in another hand, cleaning the dining table. His work is almost finished while Hinata and Kaguya have numerous dishes to wash. "Hinata, I went outside for a while" he said after finishing his job.

"Okay, dear but don't be too long" Hinata answered. Naruto went outside and closes the door. The loud banging door filled the apartment. It was quiet in there except for the sound of water that flows out from the pipes. Both of them were silent doing their work

"Do you remember anything about me, Kaguya?" Hinata asked sweetly to her. Kaguya tilts her head.

"No, I didn't. The first thing I remember is some man found me in the forest and forced me into a large cylinder tube. When I woke up, I found my nii-san" she answered.

Hinata was silent again. The sink is empty. She closes the pipes. "Are you sure? You didn't remember anything" she asked again without looking at her. Kaguya tilts again insist that her answer is the same. She put off her apron and hooked it on the rack.

She suddenly was pushed to the wall from her back. She turned back to see Hinata was the one who does it. She looks at the face filled with anger that focuses on her. He pulled her hair made her stand close to her.

"Don't you lie to me, you are the one who made this. You tried to kill him once" Hinata growled.

"No, I didn't. Who do you talk about"

"Uzumaki Naruto, you tried to kill him once"

"How can I kill my only brother that I have" Kaguya shrieked in fear with Hinata sudden change of mood. From the lovely girl turn into the avenger. She also didn't understand what she was saying to her.

"Yes, you did remember when he is physically 16 you were there with Sasuke" Hinata said.

A flash of memory surge into her. A memory where two 16-year-old boys stand in front of her. One of them has raven-haired with wearing a white robe. The other has blonde hair with a whisker on his cheek. He wears a yellow coat that is filled with chakra and a black shirt and black pants. His appearance is almost the same as Naruto, her big brother.

"You were there standing in front of them. While they launched an attack to stop you from your illusion world plan" Hinata continue.

She remembers the time where both of them launched an attack on her with a blue ball in her blonde hand while the raven holds Katana in his hand. Then, she remembers where a lot of people across the world were trapped in the cocoon. That was control by one woman.

"NNOOOO" She yelled in denial. She immediately falls to the ground unconscious after receiving the memory she recently got.

Hinata sighed. Maybe it is true that she didn't remember anything but that doesn't mean that her memory doesn't recover. She brings Kaguya to her room and placed her on her bed.

The door opened suddenly. She felt something wrong. She uses her byakugan while she is in the room detecting 3 Hyuuga with a cloth-covered half of their faces came through the door silently while using byakugan.

Hinata stood without facing her face to their direction if she does it, they will know she uses her byakugan to see them and launched the counter-attack immediately.

"Hey, what is she doing?" One of them asked.

"She seems to take care of the girl without notice our presence"

"This is a chance, attack now" the leader of the two ordered.

Both of them burst into the bedroom where Hinata was. As they entered the room, both of them were pushed outside by someone. It was Hinata who is the one that pushed them away.

"Hyu...No, Hinata. No wonder you were here. After all you are never suitable and take the name of The Hyuuga clan" The old Hyuuga man said.

"What are you doing here?" Hinata asked. She looks at them with the stern. Something that she never shows to anyone.

"The bunny is angry," he mocked her. "We were here to hunt the angry bunny who shamed the name of our clan and you will die swiftly," he said. His two Hyuuga member tracks her one more time.

She blocks the attack of both of them. Both of them using their Hyuuga technique to attack her. She knows most of all Hyuuga stances so it is easy for her evades most of their attack.

She infused her hands with chakra and hit both of the hyuuga on their stomach made both of them unconscious.

The Hyuuga that remains was shocked by the former heiress performances. 'She never had skilled in defeating both chunin' he thought. "Why do you keep your power" he asked.

"Why should I tell you, elder-Sama" Hinata retorts with mocking him.

"I demand answers" angrily he said.

"You are not my superior. You are nobody to me" she snarled.

"Then so be it, worthless" The elder launched his attack by using his infused chakra palm to her. She evades his attack easily. She swings her elbow to her back made her body side aligned to him.

Hinata attacks him but is repels by the opponent other hands. She kicks on his arm and kicks on his chest.

The elder moves back because of Hinata powerful kick earlier. He looks disappointed in his loss. "I'm going soft with you earlier. Now, I will not hold back." He disappears from Hinata view and appeared behind her. He kicks at Hinata neck but blocks by Hinata's hand.

"Eight trigrams 64 palms" the elder declared his jutsu. His hand was fast even the speed cannot be seen by the eye.

Hinata defence herself by using Kaiten or another word rotation.

After he finish his attack Hinata uses her own creation jutsu "Gentle step twin lion fist" two lion in form of chakra formed two of her hands.

"What in the world" the elder was shocked it is the first time he sees the jutsu.

Hinata attacks him with her jutsu. Hinata hit his arm. It made the elder's bone cracked.

He suffered from his clumsiness and underestimate his opponent. Now he is in a vulnerable position.

Hinata didn't miss her opportunity to defeat that arrogant elder. She activates her byakugan hit his chakra point at vast speed. First she hit on his arm, head, stomach and the last is the heart. The elder is coughing in blood. He was about to run away but his heart was pierced by a blade.

The elder touched the tip of the blade that pierced his body with blood in his hand. He looked back at Hinata who is the one that throws the blade at him. Then, he falls to the floor with more blood oozes from his chest.

Hinata using the storage seal and collect all of the hyuuga that lying in her house. Her eyes then change into tenseigan and teleport her to a certain place.

In the forest far away from Konoha. She let out all of the hyuuga bodies and burns them with her fire jutsu. Their body is burning it leaves nothing but ashes.

He teleports herself and started to clean the blood that has all over their houses.

Little did she know there has a seal on the wall that recording her movement since the beginning.

In somewhere

Naruto is on the rooftop with a recording seal connected to his scroll. He sees everything that happened in his house.

The sudden her wife change behaviour upset him. It seems that she has been through a lot since his death.

"Hinata what happened to you"

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