41. The attack

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Team 7, team 8 and team 10 entered Hokage's office, seeing The blonde Hokage thinking deeply about something. "It's good to see all of you is here"

"What happen Hokage-sama?" Ino asked.

"There is someone that lurking outside the villages. We didn't know what he doing yet it is bringing harm to the village. I'm afraid that we will in great danger, if this gone unnoticed. I want you to find this man and bring him to me" Minato said.

"Do you have any clue of him, Hokage-sama?" Shikamaru asked. Minato tilts his head.

"Unfortunately, No. That is why we must take heavy security measures"

"I thought jounin and Chunin can handle them but why us?" Kiba asked. Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru and Shino knows the answer.

"Most of the Jounin have gone out of the village even The sannin also left the village a week ago for their own needs at outside. So the jounin that left will assist you in finding the intruder while the chunin will guarding the village." Minato explained.

"And also, where is Kakashi?" Minato asked them. Everyone looked at each other hoping that one of them got the answer.

At Kakashi house

Kakashi opened his eyes spotted that it was shine at outside. He laying on the bed with his body covered by the blanket. He turned his body to his left to see Anko sleep beside him. Anko opened her eyes slowly to see Kakashi smile at her.

"Good morning, sunshine" He greeted her.

"Good morning to you too, Kakashi" she rose from the bed looking at the clock.

"We're late!" Anko shouted. Kakashi's eyes widened realizing he has a meeting with the Hokage today. Both of them jump from the bed and began to dress up in their shinobi attire.

Both of them rush to the door and opened it to see Asuma, Kurenai and Kushina stood in front of their house. Kushina faces were dismay. She gave her money to Asuma who grinned in victory.

Kakashi and Anko don't understand what was happening. "What is happening? And why three of you stood in front of my house?" Kakashi asked in puzzled.

" We have a bet" Asuma smirked.

"A bet about what?" Anko asked him. He and Kurenai went away without answering her. They look to Kushina who groaned because of her lose in bet. Kushina ignored them and went to her house.

"I guess we should go meet Hokage right now" Kakashi said.

"I agree"

Little did Kakashi knows that he will face a mad blonde Hokage instead of the nice one.

Outside Konoha

Shikamaru and Kiba with his dog Akamaru on his head roaming around the forest through trees. They jumped from tree to tree at rapid speed.

"Do you caught anything yet?" Shikamaru asked.

"No, Akamaru didn't picked any smell" Kiba answered while Akamaru barked in agreement.

"Weird, there were traces of footprint earlier. How could it vanish like that?" Shikamaru wonder.

They continue to scout around the forest until.they found Naruto and Sasuke. "Shikamaru, did you find anything?" Naruto asked.

"Negative, Naruto. We didn't find any unusual" Shikamaru retorts. Naruto in his thinking poses with his finger on his chin.

"Weird, how strange? We found the footprints then it vanishes. There is also traces on the branches but it stops in one place and leaves no traces. If there have footsteps there should be an odour of him and none it have. If we said he uses ninjutsu there should be some of it and still leaving a trace but who have the mangekyou Sharingan only can use Kamui to teleport himself without a trace." Naruto murmured.

"Gaaah, Naruto. Can you not be like Shikamaru. It made me feel weird." Kiba said. He felt shivered by the Naruto intelligence.

Sasuke sighed. "We should pressing the matter more seriously," he said to Kiba.

"R-Right" Kiba stuttered.

The tree that they stand suddenly moved. The four of them jump from the tree and see that something emerged from the tree. It showed a humanoid in white pale skin with a green hair.

'Zetsu' Sasuke, Naruto and Shikamaru thought.

"What the hell? Was that" Kiba shouted in anxiety at the humanoid plant.

Zetsu grinned at them, he attacked with a wood thorn that emerged from the tree. Naruto and Sasuke defend themselves with Kunai. Kiba and Shikamaru evade the wooden thorn.

Another zetsu come from behind from his hand into wooden swords, he attacked Shikamaru who uses his kunai to parry his attack.

"Huh, quite good for a kid. I'm impressed" the zetsu on the tree said. He shrinks himself into the tree and vanishes.

"He got away." Shikamaru grumbled.

"We should chase him" Sasuke said.

"I won't LET YOUUU" The zetsu that attack them with a wooden sword grow bigger as large as tall 4 metres. He slam his large wooden sword to the ground cause a huge impact and dust into the air.

Naruto and Sasuke evade his attack. Kiba in another hand stumble on the ground didn't have the strength to stand as he was too afraid.

Inside the village

A large impact can be felt from within the village. Most people were frightened and anxious about the incoming attack. The Hokage run out from his office and went to the roof of Hokage tower for a clear view. "What is that?" Minato asked himself. Some Anbu appeared in front of him with bowing in respect.

"Hokage-sama, that attack is from the intruder earlier. Should we assist them" The lion mask Anbu asked.

"No, we will protect Konoha from the inside. If anything goes wrong, I will help them." Minato answered smoothly.

"But I don't think that genin and some jounin can handle that monster by himself"

"Don't worry about that I've sent Kakashi to assist them"

Minato suddenly sensed something. He moved to his right. He saw a wooden thorn flying from his back and hit the floor. He examined the thorn, it shows that it was thrown 70 degrees from above. He looked back to see a humanoid plant is standing on the fourth Hokage monument.

The humanoid plant jumps from his monument and lands in front of him. He glared at Minato gleefully. The Anbu quickly surrounds The humanoid plant with several weapons on their hands.

"Hokage-sama, Namikaze Minato, the yellow flash. It's nice to meet you" Zetsu bowed.

"Zetsu, one of the members of Akatsuki. What are you doing here?" Minato asked with an authoritative tone

"That is you to discover" Zetsu formed a wooden shield around his body. Anbu attacks him with Kunai and several fire jutsu. The fire engulfed him, the heat of it could make the body burned in less than two minutes.

"Did we get him?" The lion Anbu asked. The cat Anbu approach the burnt wooden shield, she use her Katana to remove the shield. It appears that Zetsu was gone and leave the wooden shield behind.

"He's gone" The cat Anbu report.

"Search him around the Konoha I want him alive to question to Ibiki."

"Hai" the Anbu nodded to the Hokage orders. They dispersed to fulfil their orders.

Outside Konoha

"Mistress, it is time" The zetsu said. He approaches the large tree. Behind the tree there is a woman in white Kimono.

"Good, get ready for the last preparation" the woman tilts her head a bit to him. Zetsu nodded in respect. He went away from the woman and left the woman alone.

This fanfic is almost at the end. I will update the Kitsune fanfic after this.


Who do you think the mysterious woman is?

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