35. the mother of chakra

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In the Hokage office, a blonde in average 24 and an old man at the table completing the large amount of paperwork. Usually, it would take days to complete these paperwork but with the help from the former dead Hokage. They could finished it in hours.

After they finished, Hiruzen lighten his pipes and smoking inside his office. Suddenly, a thought of the kid blonde hit his mind. "Minato, do you know what Naruto doing " .

"I don't know, I haven't seen him since a 5 days ago. I hope he will stay out from the trouble" Minato also wondered what his wife doing right now.

Minato's house

Kushina sitting on the sofa and humming. She was enjoying reading a novel book title untalented the first installment of a book trilogy, a tale of the gutsy ninja by Uzu. The book become famous after it's early released two weeks ago. It become novel lovers choice in Konoha.

Unfortunately, the author hide his identity using his surname Uzu instead of his real name. She wondered who could the writer be.

At the lands of whirlpool

The author of the book Uzu was there with his two friends. It was rain. Heavily rain. Three figures walking in the middle of the former country with their wet cloak.

Naruto, Sasuke and Sai went into the ruins of the land of the whirlpool. They walk towards what is is remains the ruins of the great city of Uzushiogakakure. The old city of the Uzumaki clan. On the entrance there has a gateway that shown a spiral symbol. The symbol of Uzumaki.

"How was once mighty nation had fallen" Naruto muttered. He touched the Uzumaki symbol that was carved on the rubles. Reading the history of his clan, he could not help but feel sad.

Sasuke understands the feeling. He was there at the time his mighty clan had fallen. Killed by two men. His brother and the ambitious man who is an ex-of his clanmates.

Naruto shook his thought of his clan and turned to his main reason why they were here. "Sai, can you track the signal?"

"Yes I can, the signal becomes stronger when we walk into the ruins. We should go to the north. It seems the signal coming from that direction"

" I wonder what we could found" Naruto said.

"Maybe some scroll or unknown tech that will be strange to us or some stranger," Sasuke said from his experience. "If we are lucky, we may found some of your clan secrets. Who knows " Sasuke shrugged.

"I hope so, I wonder what high achievement that Uzumaki clan got that even feared by Iwa and Kumo " Sai in fact interest in the long lost clan.

"Then, let's find out," Naruto said. They all sprint to the source of the signal. It takes 10 minutes to get to the source.

As they got there, they see an abandoned villa in front of them. "Is this the place?" Naruto asked Sai. "Yes, it appears to be right here"

They entered the villa, it was messy. Many things were on the floor, unorganized and dirty. The weird thing is inside the villa the wall seems will be tougher for years to come. Although, the building had been build almost a century ago. "How do they maintain the building even there was no one been living in here for many years." Sai wondered.

"That may be of the seals. It was widely known to the world that Uzumaki is the seals specialist" Naruto explained.

"The seals, how can I forgot your prosper clan were good at seals" Sasuke said. Naruto eyed him. Sasuke tilts his head away from him, don't want to make eye contact with him.

"We here" Sai said. They stopped at the large wooden door with seals on it. They tried to opened it but unfortunately it didn't open and even moved a bit.

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