38. weird...

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Hinata and Naruto sleep together while Kaguya using Hinata's bedroom.

The sun rises, Kaguya rubbed her eyes to see her in the blonde bedroom. She went to her brother bedroom and wake her up. "Onii-chan wake up"

Naruto groaned. He opened his eyes to see Kaguya at his side. "Oh, Kaguya. Good morning"

"Good morning, onii-chan" she went to Hinata "Hinata-chan wake up it is morning already" Hinata rubbed her eyes. She looked at her with messy hair.

"Good morning, Kaguya-chan" Hinata smiled at her. To be honest she felt weird to smile at her after what happened 2 days ago.

2 days ago when Kaguya woke up she panicked seeing Hinata in front of her. Hinata uses a genjutsu to erase the memory of her abuse Kaguya to remember her memory.

Hinata went to the kitchen to make something for breakfast. She saw eggs, a loaf of bread and some tins of a baked bean. 'Hmm, this would be enough to make for breakfast but not for lunch. I should ask Naruto to buy some ingredients for lunch.'

She made a burnt bread with an egg on it and a baked bean for a breakfast. "Naruto, Kaguya breakfast ready "

"Okay" Naruto, Kaguya and Hinata sitting at the table for their breakfast silently. After they finish eating they doing chores.

"Naruto, can you buy some ingredients for me " Hinata asked him.

"Yeah sure. What's the thing that I should buy"

"All written in here" she passes a piece of paper to him. Naruto reads it lists all the ingredients that Hinata wanted.

Naruto went to the market and realizes that the people around him seemed nice? He even didn't use any disguise.

Then, one salesman came to approach him. "Boy, do you want to buy some furniture is having a promotion with a 20% discount on all furniture? That will be until next week"

"Okay, thanks for the reminder" Naruto gives him a farewell. Then, another salesman came to him. "Sir, we have a 50% discount on electronics. We also have new model Television in our stock right now"

Then, another salesman came to him and another. 'What's wrong with these people ?'  Naruto run from them and made a clone as a distraction. He disguises himself with a genjutsu by changing his hair colour to black and having no whisker.

He looks at the clone that he just made crowded by people. It made Naruto shivered.

'What in the world happened to everybody'

He went to the groceries and buy some ingredients. He went to ichiraku pick some ramen with him. Ayame recognized Naruto even with genjutsu on. "Naruto, what are you doing here" she whispered. "I want to take some beef ramen with me" he retorts in a whisper.

"wait, How do you know it is me? even I am in disguise" Naruto asked her.

"I know you long enough to know you are my favourite customer, even I treated you like my own brother" she winks at me.

"What happened to the people? Why are they acting nice around me? maybe too nice?"

"You don't know?" Ayame eyebrows widened.

"Know what?" Naruto becomes confused.

"2 days ago, a new Hokage has been elected "

"Oh, good news. jiji can rest right now"

"He has a blonde like you. He is Namikaze Minato the former decreased fourth Hokage and he announced that you are his son"

"He WHAT" Naruto shocked by his father action.

"Now, everyone knows that you are the royals. They become respectful to you or maybe too much"

"I will meet my father after this" he picked his ramen and gives Ayame some money.

He went to the apartment to put some ingredients that he brought and ramen. Then, he would visit his father.

In Hokage tower

Minato suddenly felt chill to his nerve. But what could be. "It must be someone talking my back again"

He then continues his work

Root's lab

Sakura and Sai continue to read all files and document that stored in the database. Some of them are good. Some of them are useless and the other information to their current situation.

"This database contains more information about otsutsuki than I thought," Sakura said.

"Yes, it is. The information about the Karma is also accurate." Sai agreed with Sakura.

(Karma is actually the fuinjutsu that otsutsuki plant in their new host that introduces in Boruto naruto next generation series)

"What are you doing here? my old apprentice" Sakura turned her head to the door to see her former sensei was there. "Tsunade-sama, what are you doing here," Sakura asked. 

"I'm just looking around at your new base. Besides, poor Naruto"

"what happened ?"

"He got chased by a crowd of people who wanted to do good to him after the new Hokage Namikaze Minato announced that Naruto is his actual son"

"poor him but not so much" Sakura smiled mischievously. She has been thinking of a plan that involved Naruto to make sure her life as a childhood lives to the fullest.

Tsunade same as her apprentice started to have some vacation in konoha by using Naruto as a discount ticket.

Sai didn't care. He literally didn't care about her attention but he prayed that Naruto will be fine.

Hokage tower




The door knocked.

"Come in" Minato, the new Hokage ordered. Sarutobi, the former Hokage was there sitting on the sofa beside him supervising the young Hokage. 

The door opened to see a young blonde with whiskers smile at him. "Oh, Naruto it's you. How the day going"

But he failed to notice the aura in the room become darkened and darker. " My day great, it's not like I having some people that behave like a paparazzi to stop me," Naruto said with a tiny venomous voice.

Minato becomes anxious. Those are not such a delight grateful words but sarcasm. He felt confused, what did he do to make his son become angry at him. He remembers his words 'the paparazzi, oh boy' He finally realizes that most people in Konoha just become like that in order to make Naruto forgives them.

"I'm sorry my son" Minato said regretfully. 

Later another person came into the office. It was a woman with red hair that forming like 9 tails. Her expression can give both gods of shinobi to shiver. It was Uzumaki Kushina, Minato's wife.

"MINATOOOO" Kushina shouted in anger she definitely not in a clear mood.

'Looks like the people mess with her too' he thought.

Sarutobi stands up from his seat and pats Minato's shoulder. "Good luck" those both words may be simple but giving a bigger meaning instead.

"sensei, where are you going?" Minato asked him.

" I wanted to have some hot coffee at the cafe" He retorts. Minato knows he giving him some excuses to run away from him. He looks at him walking hurriedly to the door and leaves him alone with his mad son and enraged wife.

"I'm s-sorrryyyy" he wailed but his words fell into their deaf ears.

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