Darkness; Chapter 1

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POV; ???

I was sitting down, my hands chained and bound behind me on a chair. I looked up at the jugde in annoyance and slapped an Angel guard with my wing causing them to stumble.

The jugde looked down at me in disapproval, wings folded behind her back, "Angelique, you have failed as an Angel and commited many things against our laws here" the Jugde spoke, I grimaced in response.

The jugde went on and on about the crimes I've commited against Angels and proceeded to shame me and point out my wings had turned black meaning I had lost all my chances blah blah blah all that shit. I honestly wasn't listening until a certain sentance caught my attention.

"Because you have lost all of your chances I'm afraid we'll have to banish you down to the human world, let hunters hunt you down for your wings and put you up as a trophy on there wall" the Jugde finished, motioning for the guard to drag me up and off the chair towards the judges stand.

As I was dragged over the jugde opened a trapdoor in front of me, the guard stopped me right in front of me and looked at the jugde for permission.

"Any last words?" The jugde sneered. I practically felt the eyes of the other angels in the court staring into my back, but I ignored it and simply replied, "better then this hell hole" I replied.

The jugde was now in a rage. "This is heaven everything here is beautiful!!! This is no hell hole!" The jugde yelled.

As the jugde continued there angry rant I sent the Angel guard behind me flying by smacking him with my wing as hard as I could.

The jugde was now screaming for more guards to come help, while I was now struggling to try and break the hand cuffs off because I wouldn't be able to fly with them blocking me from stretching my wings out fully.

As I struggled to free myself I was suddenly kicked in the back, throwing me off balance and down the trap door, hands still cuffed and unable to fly.

I screamed at the top of my lungs as the ground was getting closer, this was the end for me, Angelique, the fallen Angel.

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