Give Me It Or Else..;Chapter 16

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Angelique's POV;

I flew towards L'frogburg as fast as possible, the walls getting closer and closer. I flew over the walls and swooped down around the biggest house, assuming it belonged to the President King Queen or Leader.

Acouple of guards spotted me and drew out there bows, getting ready to shoot. "I need a game plan...they won't just let me in..gotta be careful as well- HOLY SHIT FUCK!" Angelique yelped as an arrow sailed past her head, just missing her.

Suddenly a guard began shouting, "DO NOT AIM FOR THE HEAD! We want that THING ALIVE! Get the LEADER OF THE GUARDS!" He demanded. One of the guards ran off, doing as told.

Suddenly a plan formed in my head. I knew the captain of the guards personally, but they can't know that, but...

I was interrupted from my thoughts as another arrow was fired, it was so close that it scratched the tip of my wing.

I looked down, focusing on dodging the arrows until the guard came back with the captain.

Acouple minutes of intense dodging later I was tired, I wasn't going to be able to keep this up, and sunset wasn't far behind along with Shyann's destruction.

Suddenly a guard and what appeared to be the captain ran out onto the wall, the captain was staring up in shock as the other guards continued to fired.

I took this as my chance and did one last circle around the main building and swooped down towards the wall, arms open and ready.

I grabbed the Captain Of The Guards and flew straight up and in front of them, using her as a body sheild.

I looked at her face and saw a mortified Jennifer staring at me in shock. "What are you doing?!" She whispered, "just go with it" I whispered back.

"ALL OF YOU! Weapons down! Or I'll kill your captain!" I threatened, pulling out Shyann's dagger from my pocket. I had stolen it earlier, before I left.

The guards weren't lowering there weapons, seeming to consider shooting there captain. "I know she knows the leader of this place PERSONALLY! Don't act like your not concerned!" I growled, pushing the dagger closer to Jennifer's neck.

Jennifer gasped as a few drops of blood came from her neck. The guards immiately put there weapons down and stared uneasily at the threat at hand.

"Your going to give me what I want OR ELSE!" I shouted, "or else what?! Your probably too chicken to do shit!" One of the guards shouted, I grinned evily at him.

"Your going to give me what I want..." I repeated, "or my hand.. JUST..MIGHT...SLIP!" I exclaimed, pulling the dagger away from Jennifer's throat and stabbing her in the side through a hole in her armor, which I assumed was from a different battle.

Jennifer gasped and groaned in pain, "now would be a bad time to have a knife kink huh?" One of the guards said aloud, everybody burst into laughter. Even Jennifer who had just been stabbed was laughing, "haha! Ow! Laughing hurts" Jennifer exclaimed. I finally stopped my giggling and relaxed myself back to the task at hand.

"Okay in all seriousness what do you want? What do you want in exchange for her back?" A guard commanded, he seemed to be the second in charge, possibly an elite. "Well..." I began.

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