Two People, Many Problems, Two Drunks; Chapter 9

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Okay before we start this story- listen listen listen I know this may sound weird but I'm trying to become a proper writer and writers need to practise all sorts of different elements of books, which means I may end up adding smut, key word MAY, so maybe yes maybe no idk yet. But there definitely will be; innapropriete jokes, fluff, and stuff like that.

Angelique's POV;

I woke up and sat up in my bed, peering out the window. It was night outside.

I looked over to Shyann's bed only to see it was empty, causing me to be slightly concerned and confused.

"Maybe she is downstairs?" I mumble to myself getting up and heading downstairs to the kitchen/dining/living room.

I walk into the giant room only to see Shyann sat at the dining table with headphones on, drinking something.

"Shyann? What are you doing?-" I ask, walking up to her and tapping her on the shoulder, than I see it, she was drinking alchahol? No it was definitely Rum.

Shyann took her headphones off and gave me a derpy drunk smile, "hey Ang~~ want to get drunk with me? This is some of the best rum in the sea of pirates!" Shyann exclaimed, her voice cracking as she stumbled over her words.

I was very confused, the whole week I've been staying she had never gotten drunk. Oh well, it was now offically a holiday off of school for her for a month, maybe she was just celebrating.

"Okay I'll join you, but I bet I can drink more than you!" I bragged, heading to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of rum, "PSSHH, you cant out drink a pirate! Your an undead sorta bird mother fucker that probably hasn't drank SINCE THEY DIED!" Shyann said, taking another swig of rum.

I walked back into the room and sat down next to her, bottle of rum in hand. "Pirate?? Your not a pirate!" I said laughing, "my mom was! It's in my blood" Shyann replied, "now less talking more rum".

Shyann and Angelique sat at the dining table listening to music and drinking rum for a good 3 hours, they were completely trashed.

"Ya know...I'd duck you any day of the week you hawt sexy bItCh" Shyann said, leaning against me. I took another swig of rum and looked at her, "god your a horny bitch when your drunk" I replied.

I yawned lazily, "we should go to bed, it's like fucking midnight and we're drunk af I'll be surprised if we don't have massive hang overs in the morning" I said, getting onto my feet.

I helped Shyann up and took her upstairs to the bedroom.I threw her onto her bed and crawled on top of her.

"What the fuck are you doingggg??" Shyann complained, dragging out the ing, "you fat ass is crushing me fool". I swapped our positions so she was now on top of my chest, "this better?" I asked, "yep" she muttered.

We laid like that for a while and adventually fell asleep.

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