Chapter 1

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A group of camouflaged soldiers walk towards an seemingly abandoned building. Steve and Natasha arrive at the south entrance.

"Not really camouflaged there, Captain. Red, blue and white? Who's idea was that?" Natasha jokes.

Steve shakes his head and taps his earpiece. "Team Red ready?"

"Ready to go, Captain."

"Team Blue?"

"Also ready, Captain."

"What? No team white?" Natasha whispers.

Steve ignores her. "Okay. On my signal"

Steve turns his head to Natasha, she smiles. Knowing this is going to be an easy one with both teams on standby and always ready to kick some butt. She gives him a small nod to let him know she's ready.

Steve whispers in his earpiece. "Now! Go, go, go!"

Steve slams the doorknob from the door with his shield, unlocking the door. Right behind him Natasha with a Glock 26 gripped firmly in her hands. As quiet like mice they walk down the dark corridor. It's cold and dark, and the smell is awful. It smells like mold and a subtle scent of dried blood. Luckily it's dark so they can't really see the state of the building. When they reach the first door, Steve listens and hears a few men talking behind it.

"We have located the hostiles. South entrance." Whispering back into his earpiece. Steve looks back at Natasha. Natasha nods. It's been a long time since the last time they found any clue of the whereabouts of the members or sympathizers of the mob they are searching for.

He kicks down the door and the men immediately start shooting at them. Both quickly dodge the bullets by jumping to the side of the doorframe.

Steve sighs. "They don't make it easy on us do they?"

"What's the fun in that??" She winks at Steve.

When Natasha hears guns reloading, she jumps through the door, slides a few feet on her knees over the floor and takes out 3 out of the 5 men with strategically placed shots. Knees, shoulders, feet. Steve throws his shield through the room and ends up hitting both remaining men, knocking them out.

"That was fun." Natasha chirps as she slides her gun back into the holster.

Steve rolls his eyes. "We need to keep an eye out for more hostiles."

Both get back to the corridor and walk to the second door. They hear nobody inside. Natasha scans the room to make sure nobody's in there, either hostiles or hostages. Steve breaks the door down, the room is empty just like expected.

They hear the other teams over their earpieces, giving an "All clear" for the rest of the building. "We must have missed him, let's get back to the meeting point."

"Wait, Steve, I think I found something, looks like they were planning an attack"

Natasha is leaning over a desk. A few piles of old looking files are stacked up neatly and organized. Some folders opened wide on the desk.

"This must have been the some safe house for this Russian mob. Maybe something is here so we can identify the leader."

Steve picks up the folder on top of the stack closest to him and opens it. It's some research about something scientific. In the corner of his eye he notices something. A red and black logo on one of the folders on the bottom of the stack. He pulls out the folder and recognizes the logo immediately, Steve gasps.

"You found something useful?" She looks at the folder Steve is holding in his hands. "Shit, it's HYDRA. I thought we got them all. These must be some crazy sympathizers."

Steve drops the folder, leaving it open on the desk. He takes of his helmet and starts walking out the building. Natasha follows him.

"Steve! Wait! We'll get those bastards."

"I thought we ended them all, but maybe they still have a small group stationed here in Russia. Let's get the team to collect all these documents."

* * *

Once back at the compound Steve and Natasha study the documents they gathered from the Russian safe house. Most is in Russian or German but Natasha acts like a translator.

Steve picks up a folder and wipes some dust off with his thumb, he looks at the red and black logo in loathing. Remembering all the awful things they did to Bucky. He opens the folder and finds a photo and gaps.

"Natasha, I think I found something."

Natasha takes the folder and slides the photo from under the paperclip. The photo is dark and you can barely recognize the person on it. The only thing you can see clearly is the shiny metal arm with a bright red star on the shoulder. Upon seeing the photo she looks back at Steve.

"Is this who I think it is??"

"Yeah, it's Bucky."

"But look at the date, November 1988. More than 30 years ago. Looks like they needed the Winter Soldier for some job."

"These Russians are looking for Bucky. We cannot let them find him. We need to contact Wakanda and inform them."

"What? Why Wakanda? Don't they still think he killed the king?"

Steve leans back into his seat and strokes his hand through his hair and scratches the back of his head. "I brought him there. T'Challa found out the truth about Zemo and offered to keep Bucky there so he could be safe and to work on his mind control. He didn't wanted to stay conscious because he thinks he's too dangerous to be. So they keep him there in cryogenic state until they found a way to reverse his mind control."

Steve flips the page in the document. "Shit, they located him. Take a look at this" he shows her a map with the location of Wakanda.

"Okay, then we need to get there asap. I'll start up the jet!"

Steve looks up surprised for a second and nods. "Yes, we need to leave now."

"And maybe Bucky can help us identify this guy."

"He does not want to be awoken before they have thought of any cure or solution for his brainwashing. So I think that chance is slim."

"Let's just get there first, okay?"

"Yeah Natasha, you're right, fire up the jet. I'll be there in five."

Natasha sprints to the jet to prepare for the long flight to Wakanda. With the jet they will arrive there in half the time as they would in a normal airplane. She is anxious to go, but can't wait to arrive in Wakanda. 

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