Final Chapter

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* 4 years later *

"Show yourself..." calls Bucky. He is sneaking through the woods between the bushes. He hears someone giggling. "Where are you?" He sees 2 feet dangling just outside a bush. The giggling continues. "I think... that I..." He grabs a little girl from the bushes and lifts her into the air. "Found you!!" Emma is howling with pleasure. "One more time daddy!" Bucky chuckles. "Later, let's go home first. They're waiting for us." He picks her up on his arm and walks back to their home.

Where once stood a small orange house made of clay and reed, now stands a wooden house with a veranda overlooking the lake. On the porch, Natasha is sitting on a chair with a drink. She waves as soon as she sees Bucky and Emma approaching. "Wave to mommy." Emma extends her short arm and waves enthusiastically.

"Hi mommy! Daddy found me!"

"I can see that!" Natasha shouts back.

Bucky puts Emma down and she runs to the house. She jumps onto the porch and onto Natasha's lap. "Did you have fun playing hide and seek with daddy?" Emma nods. "Shall we go in for something to drink?" "Yes!" She jumps off her lap. Alpine is waiting for Emma at the door. She pets him before she runs inside. Bucky gives Natasha a kiss as he walks up onto the porch. "Hi doll." She just smiles. Soft babbling sounds from the baby monitor Natasha carries in her pocket. "Sounds like George just woke up. "I'll get him out of bed so we can have a drink. "Natasha grabs his shirt and pulls him in for a long kiss. "I'll get the dinner starting before Steve and Peggy show up."

Half an hour later Steve comes through the door. Behind him is Peggy with 2 boys and a baby girl in her arms.

"Welcome guys! Come in!"

"Uncle Bucky!" both boys shout as they run up to him.

"Hiya boys!" Both boys jump up on him and tackle Bucky. "Oh no you got me!" He pretends to be captured by the boys.

"Joseph, Harry, please be careful with your uncle."

"Bucky can take it Peggy." Natasha smiles. She looks at the sleeping girl in Peggy's arms. She looks like an exact copy of Peggy, minus the long curly hair. "How's Sarah doing?"

"She's doing great. She's a very satisfied baby. She must have got that from me." She jokes to Steve.

He just raises and eyebrow and grins. Emma runs up to Steve and looks up.

"Hi Uncle Steve."

"Hi Emma. How are you doing?"

"Good!" Steve picks her up. "You're getting really big. Almost as big as your mommy." Emma nods enthusiastically and gives him a hug.

"Can you men fire up the barbeque?" Natasha orders.

"Sure" replies Steve.

Bucky lifts up both boys with one arm and drags them outside. Natasha just shakes her head and smiles. "Let me help you in the kitchen." Peggy puts sleeping Sarah in a crib. Steve joins Bucky outside. Natasha smiles and sighs as she stares outside. It's a beautiful day. Birds are chirping. The sun is shining. Peggy notices her staring.

"We got really lucky with our men and our wonderful children." She says.

Natasha turns to Peggy. "We sure did."


While preparing dinner, Sam walks through the door, along with Yelena.

"Hey! We're here!" calls Sam.

"Come on in!" Natasha waves them in.

"We brought something with us." Sam puts a cake on the counter. "Dessert."

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