Chapter 10

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The three of them are sitting at the table in the kitchen, having some breakfast.

"I can't believe you did that." says Steve.

"What? It was time to leave everything behind me." Bucky says while running his fingers through his short haircut.

"I like it," Natasha says. His jawline is framing his face beautiful and with the stubble beard he look super sexy. "And when will they finish the haircut?" she jokes.

"Ha.. ha.. very funny." Bucky rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "What was that liquor you poured us yesterday? That shit was strong." Bucky runs his fingers through his short hair and massages his scalp. He woke up this morning with an almost unnoticeable headache. He cant remember when he had a headache from any type of booze. A cold shower and his fast metabolism solved it for him.

"Thor gifted it to me a few years ago."

"Is that the guy that shrinks?"

"No that's Scott Lang, you never met Thor. He's a literal God. Swings a hammer and flies. Has a big red cape."

"I would have remembered a guy like that for sure."

"It's some kind of mead, made on some kind of planet, for thousands of years, and it's not made for normal humans."

"So that's why you didn't have any, Natasha." Bucky turns to Natasha and smiles.

"He bragged about that liquor a bit too much, and I'm a smart girl, I would never try something like that."

He laughs and looks up at Natasha and he's doing the lip thing again. Natasha likes it when he does that. Bucky licks his lower lip with his tongue and then bites it. All she wants it to lick those lips again, and he can do whatever he wants whit hers. She snaps out of her daydream.

"Are you listening? Natasha?" Steve says to her. Natasha looks up. "What?"

"They've found a location where Dreykov can be."

All 3 of them jump from their seats and leave for the conference room where they are called to have a briefing.


"They located the target in this building." Steve points to a small town in Russia on the map. "Another apparently abandoned building, but we almost know for sure that this is their main base of operations. We will be dropped 1 mile outside the property." Steve turns to Bucky. "Are you sure you want to join in after what happened last time?"

Bucky nods. "Yeah, I have completed my training and freed from the brainwashing. Ayo even helped me to sort my new memories." He stands up. "When do we leave?" Steve smiles proudly. "In 30 minutes."

Natasha also gets up and goes to her room to change into her combat suit. She puts on her Black Widow outfit and tests her Widows Bite. She braids her hair into a long braid so it won't get in her way. When they arrive at the aircraft, Steve and Bucky are already waiting.

"I like your braid." Bucky whispers. She tries to hide it but she can't hide the blush on her cheeks. "Thanks" she says softly.

"Let's go" Steve says.

The pilot takes off, all 3 of them are in their seats with the straps fastened. The ride is bumpy and they have some turbulence. "We'll stick together. I'll go first and Bucky last as backup."

All 3 grab a parachute and strap it to their backs. Natasha presses the button to open the hatch of the plane. The wind almost blows her off of her feet. The pilot yells that it's time to jump. They nod to each other and jump out of the plane one by one and land on an open field approximately one mile away from the building. Natasha checks from the corner of her eye if Bucky landed safe. Of course he did. They quickly roll up the parachutes and hide them in the bushes.

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